Monarchies of Europe

Leiningen Royal FamilyLeiningen Coat of Arms

Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.

39 Prince Emich Carl of Leiningen (2nd Prince of Leiningen) 1763 1814 Countess Henriette Reuss-Ebersdorf 1767 1801 Emich Carl's father was Count Carl Friedrich Wilhelm of Leiningen-Dagsburg-Hartenburg (1724-1807) who in 1779 was made a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire as Prince of Leiningen
39 Prince Emich Carl of Leiningen (2nd Prince of Leiningen) 1763 1814 Princess Viktoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld 1786 1861 See 28.6 - Emich Carl was firstly married to Viktoria's aunt Countess Henriette Reuss-Ebersdorf (who was a sister to Viktoria's mother Countess Augusta Reuss-Ebersdorf). Emich Carl died from pneumonia.
Death Registration of Princess Viktoria (Duches of Kent)
39.1 Prince Friedrich Karl of Leiningen 1793 1800        
39.2 Prince Carl of Leiningen (3nd Prince of Leiningen) 1804 1856 Countess Marie von Klebelsberg 1806 1880 A short note on the death of Prince Carl
39.21 Prince Ernest of Leiningen (4th Prince of Leiningen) 1830 1904 Princess Marie "Molly" of Baden 1834 1899 See 32.57 - Ernest was an Admiral in the British Royal Navy.
It was reported in 1853 that Ernest whilst serving as a midshipman on the British ship-of-war Hastings accidentally shot and killed a fellow midshipman Marquis de Lisbod. This obviously didn't have an affect on his future promotions.
He was promoted from Captain to Rear Admiral in December 1876, it may be interesting to note that at the same time his cousin Prince Viktor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Count Gleichen was promoted to Rear Admiral on the Retired List.
Ernest was further promoted from Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral in December 1881
Oh dear, the newspapers in 1884 were hostile to Prince Ernest.
Prince Ernest was held partly responsible for an accident which occurred in 1875 when the steam yacht Alberta (the tender of the royal yacht, Victoria and Albert) with Queen Victoria on board went into the schooner yacht, Mistletoe resulting in the death of three individuals on the Mistletoe.
He was further promoted from Vice Admiral to Admiral in July 1887.
Ernest as an Admiral was placed on the Retired List in November 1895.
Death announcement of Prince Ernest
39.211 Princess Alberta of Leiningen 1863 1901         Birth Registration of Princess Alberta
39.212 Prince Emich of Leiningen (5th Prince of Leiningen) 1866 1939 Princess Feodora of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1866 1932 See 39.333 - Birth Registration of Prince Emich
39.2121 Princess Viktoria of Leiningen 1895 1973 Count Maximilian zu Solms-Rödelheim und Assenheim 1893 1968  
39.21211 Count Markwart Emich zu Solms-Rödelheim und Assenheim 1925 1976         Markwart Emich adopted his cousin one removed Nikolaus (1961-1981), who succeeded him instead of Markwart's own brother Johann Georg (1938- ). Johann Georg who has three daughters is the son of Count Maximilian zu Solms-Rödelheim und Assenheim from his second marriage to Freda von Gersdorff
39.2122 Prince Emich of Leiningen 1896 1918         Emich was killed in action
39.2123 Prince Friedrich Karl of Leiningen (6th Prince of Leiningen) 1898 1946 Grand Duchess Marie of Russia 1907 1951 See 4.91421 - Friedrich Karl was imprisoned by the Russians during World War II and died as a prisoner of war at Mordvinien apparently from malnutrition according to one source
39.21231 - QVD Prince Emich of Leiningen (7th Prince of Leiningen) 1926 1991 Duchess Eilika of Oldenburg 1928 2016 See 31.13134
39.212311 - QVD Princess Melita of Leiningen 1951     Horst Legrum 1929 1994  
39.212312 - QVD Prince Karl-Emich of Leiningen 1952   Princess Margarita of Hohenlohe-Oehringen 1960 1989 See 22.3236121 - Margarita was killed in a car accident near Freising, Bavaria
39.212312 - QVD Prince Karl-Emich of Leiningen 1952     Gabriele Renate Thyssen 1963   Karl-Emich was disinherited by his father because of his second marriage. His brother Prince Andreas has challenged Prince Karl-Emich's right to the succession, family members apparently regard Andreas as Head of the Family. The German courts have ruled in favour of Andreas as heir to his father's estate. Gabriele married Prince Karim (IV) Aga Khan after her divorce from Karl-Emich
39.212312 - QVD Prince Karl-Emich of Leiningen 1952   Countess Isabelle von und zu Egloffstein 1975    
39.2123121 - QVD Princess Cecilia of Leiningen 1988     Elie Dimitri Hayek ?   Report on the wedding of Cecilia and Elie it is on page 74
39.2123122 - QVD Princess Theresa of Leiningen 1992            
39.2123123 - QVD Prince Emich of Leiningen 2010            
39.212313 - QVD Prince Andreas of Leiningen (8th Prince of Leiningen) 1955   Princess Alexandra of Hanover (Duchess of Brunswick-Lüneburg) 1959   See 25.11615 - Following the second marriage of his elder brother Prince Karl-Emich it would appear that the family members regard Prince Andreas as the Head of the Family
39.2123131 - QVD Prince Ferdinand of Leiningen 1982     Viktoria Luise Prinzessin von Preussen 1982   See 11.2111213
39.21231311 - QVD Princess Alexandra Viktoria of Leiningen 2020            
39.21231312 - QVD Princess Feodora of Leiningen 2021            
39.2123132 - QVD Princess Olga of Leiningen 1984            
39.2123133 - QVD Prince Herman of Leiningen 1987     Isabelle Heubach 1989    
39.21231331 - QVD Prince Leopold Konstantin of Leiningen 2019            
39.212314 - QVD Princess Stephanie of Leiningen 1958 2017          
39.21232 - QVD Prince Karl of Leiningen 1928 1990 Princess Maria Louise of Bulgaria 1933   See 17.11
39.212321 - QVD Prince Karl Boris of Leiningen 1960     Millena Manov 1962 2015 Obituary on Millena Manov
39.212321 - QVD Prince Karl Boris of Leiningen 1960     Cheryl Ann Riegler 1962   Karl Boris proposes to Cheryl Riegler during the 1997 New York City Marathon
39.2123211 - QVD Prince Nicholas of Leiningen 1991            
39.2123212 - QVD Prince Karl Heinrich of Leiningen 2001            
39.2123213 - QVD Princess Juliana of Leiningen 2003            
39.212322 - QVD Prince Hermann of Leiningen 1963     Deborah Cully 1961   An interesting article on Hermann in Queen's University "Queen's Alumni Review"
39.2123221 - QVD Princess Tatiana of Leiningen 1989     Clayton Reynolds 1989    
39.21232211 - QVD   August Rhodes Robert Reynolds Leiningen 2021            
39.21232212 - QVD   Celeste Ines Myrna Reynolds Leiningen 2023            
39.2123222 - QVD Princess Nadia of Leiningen 1991     Ian Baker ?   Details on the wedding of Nadia and Ian Baker a (True!) Princess Bride
39.21232221 - QVD   Thomas James Baker Leiningen 2021            
39.21232222 - QVD   Theodore Charles Baker Leiningen 2024           An interesting web page on the birth of Theodore
39.2123223 - QVD Princess Alexandra of Leiningen 1997            
39.21233 - QVD Princess Kira Melita of Leiningen 1930 2005 Prince Andrej of Yugoslavia 1929 1990 See 7.543 - Prince Andrej committed suicide.
A speech given by HRH Prince Andrej Karadjordjevic in 1986 during a visit to Australia as Grand Master of the Order of St John Knights Hospitaller.
Marriage registration of Princess Kira and Prince Andrej
39.21234 - QVD Princess Margarita of Leiningen 1932 1996 Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Hohenzollern 1924 2010 See 6.1124
39.21235 - QVD Princess Mechtilde of Leiningen 1936 2021   Karl Anton Bauscher 1931    
39.212351 - QVD   Ulf Bauscher 1963            
39.212352 - QVD   Berthold Bauscher 1965     Anett Kuhfuss 1966    
39.2123521 - QVD   Franka Bauscher 1996            
39.2123522 - QVD   Erik Bauscher 1998            
39.2123523 - QVD   Lorenz Bauscher 2002            
39.212353 - QVD   Johann Bauscher 1968     Katja Jäger ?    
39.21236 - QVD Prince Friedrich Wilhem of Leiningen 1938 1998   Karin Evelyne Goss 1942 2016  
39.21236 - QVD Prince Friedrich Wilhem of Leiningen 1938 1998   Helga Eschenbacher 1940 1999  
39.21237 - QVD Prince Peter Viktor of Leiningen 1942 1943          
39.2124 Prince Hermann of Leiningen 1901 1971 Countess Irina of Schönborn-Wiesentheid 1895 1969 Herman was a motor racing driver (using the name Hermann Leiningen)
39.2125 Prince Hesso of Leiningen 1903 1967 Countess Marie-Luise von Nesselrode 1905 1993  
39.22 Prince Eduard of Leiningen 1833 1914         In 1892 Eduard was run over by a vehicle whilst alighting from his carriage sustaining serious injuries.
39.3 Princess Feodora of Leiningen 1807 1872 Prince Ernst of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (4th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1794 1860 Prince Ernst's great grandfather Count Ludwig of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1696-1765) was created the first Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg in 1764.
An interesting article on the many branches of the Hohenlohe family.
A brief announcement of the intended marriage of Princess Feodora and Prince Ernst
A report on the death of Princess Feodora
39.31 Prince Karl Ludwig of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (5th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1829 1907   Marie Grathwohl 1837 1901 Karl renounced his rights to the Princely House of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (just nine days after succeeding his father) in favour of his younger brother Hermann on 21 April 1860 by virtue of a family pact. Marie was created Baroness von Bronn by the King of Württemberg on 4 March 1890.
39.311 Baron Karl von Bronn 1862 1925 Countess Marie Czernin von Chudenitz 1879 1963 Karl was created Fürst von Weikersheim in 1911 by the Emperor of Austria
39.3111 Prince Karl von Weikersheim (Fürst) 1900 1945   Valeria Dlugay 1905 1936 Karl renounced his title only two days after succeeding his father. He disappeared in action in 1945
39.3111 Prince Karl von Weikersheim (Fürst) 1900 1945   Ludwiga Pospiech 1916   Karl renounced his title only two days after succeeding his father. He disappeared in action in 1945
39.3112 Countess Marie von Weikersheim 1901 1958         Death Registration of Marie
39.3113 Prince Franz von Weikersheim (Fürst) 1904 1983 Princess Irma Christiane of Windisch-Graetz 1913 1984 See 23.112321 - A brief article on the wedding of Prince Franz and Princess Irma
Franz and Irma at a U.S golf tournament.
Death registration of Prince Franz von Weikersheim
39.31131 Countess Cecilia von Weikersheim 1937 2019   Alexander Dundas McEwen 1935 2008 Birth Registration of Cecilia
Marriage Registration of Cecilia and Alexander
Obituary of Alexander McEwen
Obituary of Countess Cecilia von Weikersheim
39.3114 Countess Aloysia Maria von Weikersheim 1906 1988   Rudolf Hofmüller 1898 1976  
39.3115 Countess Emma Philippine von Weikersheim 1907 1977          
39.312 Baroness Vitkoria von Bronn 1863 1946   Ernst Christian Ritter von Manner zu Mätzelsdorff 1844 1922  
39.313 Baroness Beatrix von Bronn 1868 1932          
39.32 Princess Elise of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1830 1850          
39.33 Prince Hermann of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (6 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1832 1913 Princess Leopoldine of Baden 1837 1903 See 32.64 - The New York Times report on the death of Prince Hermann
39.331 Prince Ernst of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (7 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1863 1950 Princess Alexandra "Sandra" of Edinburgh (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) (and of Great Britain) 1878 1942 See 1.44 - Prince Ernst was appointed Regent of the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (from 1900 to 1905) during the minority of Prince Charles Edward
The New York Times report of the wedding of Prince Ernst and Princess Alexandra.
In 1899 Prince Ernst and Princess Alexandra were on their way to Balmoral to visit "grandmama" Queen Victoria and were passengers in a train which had just arrived at Perth Station when it was shunted in the rear by another train.
Prince Ernst was one of the German delegates (i.e. Commissioners) at the "American-German Conference on Prisoners of War" which took place in Berne 24 September to 11 November 1918. This conference covered not only the interchange of prisoners of war but also German citizens who were interred or likely to be interred in the USA.
39.3311 - QVD Prince Gottfried of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (8 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1897 1960 Princess Margarita of Greece and Denmark 1905 1981 See 16.71 - It was reported that Prince Gottfried was at one time secretly engaged to Mrs. Gloria Vanderbilt, mother of the heiress Gloria Vanderbilt. A widely reported court case in 1934 concerning the custody of the ten year Gloria Vanderbilt led to Prince Gottfried appearing in court in defence of Mrs. Gloria Vanderbilt.
39.33111 - QVD   Stillborn Daughter (daughter of Princess Margarita of Greece and Prince Gottfried of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (8 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg)) 1933 1933          
39.33112 - QVD Prince Kraft of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (9 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1935 2004 Princess Charlotte of Croÿ 1938   Princess Charlotte married secondly Baron Johann Christoph von Twickel
Birth registration of Princess Charlotte 
39.33112 - QVD Prince Kraft of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (9 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1935 2004   Irma Pospesch 1946    
39.331121 - QVD Princess Cecilie of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1967   Count Cyril de Commarque 1970   See 22.1231152 - Princess Cecilie is a jewellery designer
39.331121 - QVD Princess Cecilie of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1967     Ajoy Mani 1974    
39.331122 - QVD Prince Philipp of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (10 th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg) 1970     Saskia Binder 1973   Prince Philipp is the present Head of the Princely House of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
39.3311221 - QVD Hereditary Prince Max Leopold of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 2005            
39.3311222 - QVD Prince Gustav of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 2007            
39.3311223 - QVD Princess Marita Saskia of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 2010            
39.331123 - QVD Princess Xenia of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1972     Max Soltmann 1973    
39.3311231 - QVD   Ferdinand Soltmann 2005            
39.3311232 - QVD   Louisa Marei Charlotte Soltmann 2008            
39.33113 - QVD Princess Beatrix of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1936 1997         Beatrix was briefly engaged in 1960 to her cousin Margrave Maximilian of Baden
39.33114 - QVD Prince Georg Andreas of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1938 2021 Princess Luise of Schönburg-Waldenburg 1943    
39.331141 - QVD Princess Katharina of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1972   Prince Nikolaus Carl of Waldeck and Pyrmont 1970   See 42.6442
39.331142 - QVD Princess Tatiana-Louise of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1975     Hubertus Stephan 1970 2018 Hubertus Stephan died as a result of a car accident
39.3311421 - QVD   Carl Casper Stephan 2012            
39.3311422 - QVD   Wolf Thomas Stephan 2013            
39.33115 - QVD Prince Ruprecht of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1944 1978         Prince Ruprecht and Prince Albrecht were twins. Various sources have conflicting dates on the year of death, some show 1976 others 1978. The tombstone for Prince Ruprecht shows 1978
39.33116 - QVD Prince Albrecht of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1944 1992   Maria-Hildegard Fischer 1933   Prince Ruprecht and Prince Albrecht were twins. Prince Albrecht committed suicide
39.331161 - QVD Prince Ludwig of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1976            
39.3312 - QVD Princess Marie Melita of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1899 1967 Duke Friedrich of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg 1891 1965 See 35.425
39.3313 - QVD Princess Alexandra of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1901 1963          
39.3314 - QVD Princess Irma of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1902 1986          
39.3315 - QVD Prince Alfred of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1911 1911         Alfred died two days after his birth from heart failure
39.332 Princess Elise of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1864 1929 Prince (Fürst) Heinrich XXVII Reuss-Schleiz 1858 1928 See 22.3171 - Heinrich XXVII renounced the Reuss-Schleiz throne 11 November 1918.
39.333 Princess Feodora of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1866 1932 Prince Emich of Leiningen (5th Prince of Leiningen) 1866 1939 See 39.212 - Birth Registration of Prince Emich
39.34 Prince Viktor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1833 1891 Lady Laura Seymour 1833 1912 Viktor served in the British Navy and rose to the rank of Admiral (Retired List). Laura was created Countess von Gleichen by Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha a couple of weeks before her marriage to Viktor.
Viktor was placed on the Admiralty "Retired List" from 1 April 1873 with the rank of Captain having been forced to retire from the Navy in 1866 due to ill health.
Viktor was promoted to Rear-Admiral on the "Retired List" on 31 December 1876.
Viktor was promoted to Vice-Admiral on the "Retired List" on 23 November 1881.
Viktor was promoted to Admiral on the "Retired List" on 24 May 1887.
Marriage Registration of Prince Viktor and Lady Laura Seymour
Death Registration of Prince Viktor
A report on the death of Prince Viktor.
A report on the funeral of Princess Viktor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg.
Death Registration of Lady Laura (actually shown as Princess Laura W. of Hohenlohe-Langenburg)
39.341 Countess Feodora von Gleichen 1861 1922         Feodora was known from 12 September 1917 as Lady Feodora Gleichen.
Feodora was a noted sculptor and one of her fine pieces was a bronze sculpture in commemoration of the "Charge of the Scots Greys" at Mons which took place during August/September 1914.
Birth Registration of Feodora.
Death report on Lady Feodora.
Death Registration of Lady Feodora.
39.342 Count Albert Edward von Gleichen 1863 1937   Sylvia Gay Edwardes 1880 1942 Albert Edward was known from 12 September 1917 as Lord Edward Gleichen.
He was reported to have been seriously injured from a shot in the neck at the battle of Modder River (a Boer War conflict which took place on 28 November 1899).
A New York Times report on the death of Albert Edward
Birth Registration of Albert Edward.
A brief report on the announcement of the engagement of Albert Edward and Sylvia Gay.
Marriage Registration of Albert Edward and Sylvia Gay.
Death Registration of Lord Edward Gleichen.
Death Registration of Lady Sylvia Gleichen
39.343 Countess Victoria "Valda" von Gleichen 1868 1951   Percy Wilfrid Machell 1862 1916 Victoria was known from 12 September 1917 as Lady Valda Machell. Although when she married Percy in 1905 her cousin King Edward VII decreed that she would have the rank and precedence of an earl's daughter thus she became The Lady Valda Machell.
"Valda" is from a combination of her first four forenames "Victoria Alice Leopoldine Ada".
Percy was Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding officer of the 11th Battalion (Lonsdale) and was killed on 1 July 1916 on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme.
He was leading his men over a parapet top when he was killed with a shot through the head.
His body was recovered and is buried in Warloy Baillon Communal Cemetery on the Somme.
Birth Registration of Victoria.
Marriage Registration of Victoria and Percy Wilfred.
Death Registration of Lady Valda Machell.
39.3431   Roger Victor Machell 1908 1984         Birth Registration of Roger Victor.
Death Registration of Roger Victor
39.344 Countess Helena von Gleichen 1873 1947         Helena was known from 12 September 1917 as Lady Helena Gleichen.
A perhaps uncomplimentary review of the book "Contacts and Contrasts" authored by Helena.
A New York Times report on the death of Helena
Birth Registration of Helena.
Death Registration of Helena
39.35 Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1835 1900 Duke Friedrich "Fritz Holstein" of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg 1829 1880 See 36.25 - Friedrich claimed on 15 November 1863 to succeed King Frederick VII of Denmark as the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein. His pretensions were ended by the defeat of Denmark by Austria and Prussia in 1864
39.36 Princess Feodora of Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1839 1872 Duke George II of Saxe-Meiningen 1826 1914 See 29.31

Note - QVD against a reference number indicates the first named individual is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Last Updated on 16 March 2025
By Allan Raymond
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