Monarchies of Europe

Spanish Royal FamilySpanish Coat of Arms

Coats of Arms by permission of Arnaud Bunel

Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.

10 Queen Isabel II of Spain 1830 1904 Infante Francisco de Asis of Spain (Duke of Cadiz) 1822 1902 Isabel's father King Fernando VII of Spain and Infante Francisco de Asis's father Infante Francisco de Paula of Spain (Duke of Cadiz) were brothers. Isabel's mother Princess Maria Christina of Bourbon Two Sicilies and Infante Francisco de Assisis's mother Princess Louise of Bourbon Two Sicilies were also sisters.

In other words Isabel and her husband Francisco de Asis were double first cousins since their respective fathers were married to two sisters.

(Note - Since 1713 Salic Law applied in Spain but after Isabel's parents marriage (11 December 1829) Fernando revoked this law (on 30 June 1833) by Pragmatic Sanction. Ferdinand died three years after the birth of his daughter Isabel and she was proclaimed Queen of Spain with her mother, Marie Christina as Regent. Ferdinand's brother Carlos protested this change and on 4 October 1833 he was proclaimed as King. A treaty (22 April 1834) between Great Britain, France, Spain and Portugal provided for the expulsion of Carlos and in June 1834 Carlos retired to England and the following month the Carlist War began in Spain).

Isabel was deposed and driven out of Spain following a revolution on 30 September 1868 and abdicated to her eldest son Alfonso on 25 June 1870. One of the instigators of this uprising was Isabel's brother-in-law Prince Antoine of Orleans (Duke of Montpensier).
An interesting account on the marriage of Queen Isabel and Infante Francisco de Asis.
Report on the death of Queen Isabel.
Report on the death of Infante Francisco de Asis
10.1   Stillborn Son 1849 1849          
10.2 Infante Ferdinand of Spain 1850 1850          
10.3 Infanta Maria Isabel "la Chata" of Spain (Princess of Asturias) 1851 1931 Prince Gaetan of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Count of Girgenti) 1846 1871 See 37.557 - Gaetan was created Infante of Spain on 14 May 1868. He was an epileptic and committed suicide by a pistol shot to his head.
It was reported in 1870 that a suit for conjugal separation between the Count of Girgenti and his wife Infanta Maria Isabel. It was said that Gaetan had squandered his wife's dowry.
A report on the death of Infanta Maria Isabel.
New York Times obituary on Prince Gaetan and their later report surrounding his suicide.
10.4 Infanta Maria Christina of Spain 1854 1854          
10.5   Stillborn Son 1855 1855          
10.6   Stillborn Son 1856 1856          
10.7 King Alfonso XII of Spain 1857 1885 Infanta Maria de las Mercedes of Spain 1860 1878 See 13.J6 - Alfonso ascended the throne in 1875.
Prince Amedeo of Savoy (1 st Duke of Aosta) was the King of Spain from 16 November 1870 to 11 February 1873.
A report on the death of Maria de las Mercedes who died just five months after her marriage to Alfonso
10.7 King Alfonso XII of Spain 1857 1885 Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria (Teschen Line) 1858 1929 See 44.33 - Alfonso ascended the throne in 1875.
Prince Amedeo of Savoy (1 st Duke of Aosta) was the King of Spain from 16 November 1870 to 11 February 1873.
Alfonso suffered from tuberculosis but the reports of his death said he died from dysentery.
A report on the marriage of Alfonso and Maria Christina
10.71 Infanta Maria de las Mercedes of Spain (Princess of Asturias) 1880 1904 Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1870 1949 See 37.5542 - Maria de las Mercedes died a week after giving birth to her daughter Isabella.
A report on the death of Maria de las Mercedes .
Carlos became a naturalised Spanish subject and was granted the title Infante of Spain on 7 February 1901. Carlos's children were also Infantes of Spain by Royal Decree of King Alfonso XIII of Spain on 3 August 1908. There's some dispute as to whether Prince Carlos validly renounced his rights to the throne of Bourbon-Two Sicilies on 14 December 1900 on his marriage to Maria de las Mercedes in execution of the Pragmatic Decree" prohibiting the union of the Spanish and Two Sicilies Crowns. Supporters of this side of the family are apparently of the opinion that Carlos did not have the right to renounce for his descendants.
The impending marriage of Carlos and Maria de las Mercedes caused discontent and riots in Spain.
10.72 Infanta Maria Theresa of Spain 1882 1912 Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria 1884 1958 See 18.1911- Ferdinand was naturalised in Spain on 20 October 1905 and created Infante of Spain at the same time. He renounced his rights to the Bavarian throne on 29 June 1914 although he was granted permission on 3 August 1914 to continue ad persona the right, title and rank of Prince of Bavaria. His children were born Prince/Princess of Bavaria but were raised to Infante/Infanta of Spain when they were born. Maria Theresa died from an embolism (formation of a blood clot) just one week after the birth of her daughter Maria del Pilar
10.73 King Alfonso XIII of Spain 1886 1941 Princess Victoria Eugenia "Ena" of Battenberg 1887 1969 See 5.1442 - Alfonso was born posthumously (his father having died six months before his birth), he therefore became a King from his birth and his mother Queen Maria Christina acted as Regent until he reached his sixteenth birthday.
Alfonso and his new wife Ena had a most unsatisfactory wedding day, during their return from their wedding to their Palace Mateo Moral an anarchist threw a bomb at their carriage and they narrowly escaped death. Mateo Moral committed suicide shortly afterwards. Another slightly different account on the suicide of Mateo Moral.
Following republican demonstrations, King Alfonso left Spain without abdicating on 14 April 1931. He subsequently abdicated on 15 January 1941 just three months before his death in favour of his son Infante Juan.
An Interesting article on Ena regarding what awaited her when she married Alfonso, going from the seclusion of Osborne House to the rigid etiquette and protocol of the Spanish Court.
Queen Ena was separated from her husband Alfonso and was staying in London and missed the marriage of her daughter Beatriz to Prince Alessandro Torlonia.
Infanta Beatriz and Prince Alessandro Torlonia arrived in London a couple of days after their wedding presumably to visit her mother Queen Ena.
An interesting article on the "broken love" of Queen Ena.
A report on the death of King Alfonso XIII.
A brief report on the death of Queen Ena
10.731 - QVD Infante Alfonso of Spain (Count of Covadonga and Prince of Asturias) 1907 1938   Edelmira Sampedro y Robato 1906 1994 Alfonso gave up his rights to the Spanish throne on 21 June 1933 when he married Edelmira Sampedro y Robato.
An interesting article on two Cuban women who gave blood in 1936 to save the life of Alfonso who was profusely bleeding due to a minor external abscess on his thigh.
An account of the meeting and marriage of Alfonso and Edelmira with mention of a possible son from their relationship.
The marriage of Alfonso and Edelmira ended in divorce
10.731 - QVD Infante Alfonso of Spain (Count of Covadonga and Prince of Asturias) 1907 1938   Marta Rocafort y Altuzarra 1913 1993 Alfonso died from injuries received in a motor car accident in Miami, Florida. The car was driven by Mildred Gaydon who was employed as a cigarette girl in a cabaret and who was slightly injured.The subsequent coroner's jury absolved Mildred (on page six column 6) of any blame in the death of Alfonso.
Some reports mentions Alfonso who was a haemophilic sufferer died from his injuries as the resultant bleeding could not be contained . However an article published days after Alfonso's accident and subsequent death reported "a physician said that death was caused by heart failure and shock, and not by haemophilia".
A report on the wedding of Alfonso and Maria Rocafort y Altuzarra.
A brief article on the divorce of Alfonso from his first and second wives within one year.
A detailed article published in "The Biscayne Times" in 2009 provides a retrospect of how "In 1938 a future king met his fate on the Boulevard"
10.732 - QVD Infante Jaime of Spain (Duke of Segovia) 1908 1975 Countess Emmanela de Dampierre 1913 2012 Infante Jaime became a deaf mute following a botched operation after an attack of mastoiditis in 1911. He renounced his rights of succession to the Spanish throne for both himself and his descendants on 21 June 1933.
A brief report on the wedding of Infante Jaime and Countess Emmanela de Dampierre including photographs of the happy couple.
10.732 - QVD Infante Jaime of Spain (Duke of Segovia) 1908 1975   Charlotte Tiedemann 1919 1979 Infante Jaime became a deaf mute following a botched operation after an attack of mastoiditis in 1911. He renounced his rights of succession to the Spanish throne for both himself and his descendants on 21 June 1933.
In 1949 Infante Jaime was reported as being anxious to resolve the problem of sharing out the fortune of his late father King Alfonso XIII.
In early 1950 Charlotte was responsible for a series of articles how she would "abdicate" to enable Infante Jaime to nullify the renouncement of his succession rights.
First part
Second part
Third and final part
10.7321 - QVD   Alfonso de Borbon y de Dampierre (Duke of Cadiz) 1936 1989   Maria del Carmen Martinez-Bordiu y Franco 1951   Alfonso died as a result of a skiing accident in Beaver Creek Colorado. At the time of his death he was engaged to Archduchess Maria Constance of Austria . Maria del Carmen is the granddaughter of General Franco.
A brief report on the weding of Alfonso and Maria del Carmen
10.73211 - QVD   Francisco de Borbon y de Martinez-Bordiu 1972 1984         Francisco died as a result of injuries sustained in a motor car accident, the car in which he was a passenger was being driven by his father Alfonso de Borbon y de Dampierre (Duke of Cadiz) crashed into a truck. Francisco's brother Luis Alfonso de Borbon y de Martinez-Bordiu and their governess Manuela Sánchez Prat were also passengers in the car. Francisco was taken to the "Hospital de Navarra" where he died from cardiac arrest. By a strange coincidence Francisco's grandfather Cristóbal Martínez-Bordiú y Ortega (10th Marquis of Villaverde) is a Spanish heart surgeon and it was he who communicated the death to the family. Cristóbal Martínez-Bordiú y Ortega was married to María del Carmen Franco y Polo daughter of General Franco.
10.73212 - QVD   Luis Alfonso de Borbon y de Martinez-Bordiu (Duke of Anjou) 1974     María Margarita Vargas Santaella  1983   Luis Alfonso is a claimant to the French throne, and considered to be the head of the French Royal House by legitimists who consider the renunciation of Philip V of Spain as invalid. I'm neutral on the validity or otherwise of this claim.
10.732121 - QVD   Eugenia de Borbón y Vargas 2007            
10.732122 - QVD   Luis de Borbón y Vargas (Duke of Burgundy) 2010           Luis and Alfonso are twins
10.732123 - QVD   Alfonso de Borbón y Vargas (Duke of Berry) 2010           Luis and Alfonso are twins
10.732124 - QVD   Henri de Jésus de Borbón y Vargas (Duke of Touraine) 2019            
10.7322 - QVD   Gonzalo de Borbon y de Dampierre (Duke of Aquitaine) 1937 2000   Maria del Carmen Harto y Mortealegre 1947   This marriage is not recognised as valid in Spain
10.7322 - QVD   Gonzalo de Borbon y de Dampierre (Duke of Aquitaine) 1937 2000   Maria de las Mercedes Licer y Garcia 1963    
10.7322 - QVD   Gonzalo de Borbon y de Dampierre (Duke of Aquitaine) 1937 2000   Emanuela Pratolongo 1960    
10.73221 - QVD   Stephanie Michelle de Borbon 1968     Richard Carl McMasters II 1972   Stephanie's parents are Gonzalo de Borbon y de Dampierre and Sandra Lee Landry (1937 - ).
Gonzalo de Borbon publically recognised his daughter in December 1983 (?).
Sandra Lee Landry was an extraordinary induvial she was a model and a torera (woman bullfighter)..
10.732211 - QVD   Nicholas de Borbon 1994     Rachael Fogelman 1995   Nicholas was born to Stephanie and Richard McMasters prior to their marriage
10.7322111 - QVD   Amelia Nicole de Borbon 2013            
10.732212 - QVD   Christian de Borbon 1995     Madi Ohler ?   Christian was born to Stephanie and Richard McMasters prior to their marriage
10.7322121 - QVD   Nateari Celeste de Borbon 2013            
10.7322122 - QVD   Charlotte de Borbon 2014            
10.732213 - QVD   Jaime McMasters 1996            
10.732214 - QVD   Richard Carl McMasters III 1998     Brittany Harrington ?    
10.7322141 - QVD   Raylynn Camille McMasters 2015            
10.732215 - QVD   Alexander Leandro Joaquin Gonzalo McMasters de Borbon 2004            
10.733 - QVD Infanta Beatriz of Spain 1909 2002 Prince Alessandro Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi (5th Prince) 1911 1986 Infanta Beatriz was engaged to Prince Alvaro of Bourbon-Orleans in 1931, this was apparently broken off for monetary considerations. Click here to view a Telegraph article (© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2009) on Beatriz of Spain.
Wedding photograph and a brief report on the wedding of Beatriz and Alessandro. Alessandro's great-great-grand father Giovanni Torlonia (1755-1829) who in return for the administration of the Vatican finances with the blessing of the Pope was created in 1803 1st Prince of Civitella-Cesi.
The Torlonia family were extremely wealthy and were considered as the Rothschilds of Rome as depicted by this article. The Don Alessandro Torlonia mentioned in the article was a younger brother to Alessandro's (husband of Infanta Beatriz) great grandfather.
Alessandro (husband of Infanta Beatriz) was said to be the wealthiest land-owner in Europe and had to give up part of huge estates as part of Italy's land reform policy in 1950.
10.7331 - QVD Princess Alessandra "Sandra" Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1936 2014 Count Clemente Lequio di Assaba 1925 1971 A photograph of the "beautiful" Alessandra "Sandra" Torlonia.
Count Clemente committed suicide
10.73311 - QVD Count Alessandro Lequio di Assaba 1960     Antonia Dell'Atte 1960    
10.73311 - QVD Count Alessandro Lequio di Assaba 1960     María Palacios y Milla 1977    
10.733111 - QVD Count Clemente Lequio di Assaba 1988     Corbie Gregory 1979   Clemente and Corbie were secretly married out of the glare of the public.
10.733112 - QVD   Allesandro Lequio di Assaba 1992 2020         Allesandro's parents are Count Alessandro Lequiodi Assaba and Ana Garcia y Obregon
10.7331121 - QVD   Ana Sandra (Analé) Lequio Obregón 1992           Ana Sandra was born by surrogacy (name of surrogate not known) the sperm came from Allesandro Lequio di Assaba shortly prior to his death from cancer.
10.733113 - QVD   Ginevra Lequio di Assaba 2016            
10.73312 - QVD Countess Deserie Lequio di Assaba 1962   Count Oddone Tournon 1957    
10.733121 - QVD Count Giovanni Tournon 1991            
10.733122 - QVD Count Giorgio Tournon 1994            
10.7332 - QVD Prince Marco Alfonso Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi (6th Prince) 1937 2014 Princess Orsetta Caracciolo 1940 1968  
10.7332 - QVD Prince Marco Alfonso Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi (6th Prince) 1937 2014   Philippa Mcdonald 1942   Philippa McDonald was firstly married to Vicomte Luc de La Barre de Nanteuil (26 July 1962 according Marlene A.Eilers Queen Victoria's Descendants). Currently I can't locate this marriage in the 1962 Marriage Index but can find a possible marriage in the 1964 September Marriage Index .Luc de La Barre de Nanteuil was Ambassador of France to the United States, then in Great Britain.
Philippa McDonald was secondly married to Marco Alfonso Torlonia on 9 November 1968 (Divorced 1985).
Philippa McDonald was thirdly married to Laurie Morgan (date not known at present). Lawrence 'Laurie' Morgan (1915 -1997) won two golds medal in equestrian at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome and also became the first Australian to win an equestrian gold medal.
An interesting extract from Ben Toney's (original Programme Director of Radio London) autobiography in which he relates to his encounter with Prince Marco Torlonia and his future wife Philippa, Countess of Nanteuil. Ben Toney mentions Philippa McDonald an Australian model from Perth had gone to Paris to promote her modelling career. While she was there, she met and married the Count of Nanteuil - the inference is that Philippa and the Count of Nanteuil had married in Paris rather than London.
Another interesting article on Philippa and her life with Marco Alfonso Torlonia
10.7332 - QVD Prince Marco Alfonso Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi (6th Prince) 1937 2014   Blazena Svitakova 1940    
10.73321 - QVD Prince Giovanni Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi (7th Prince) 1962     Carla De Stefanis 1966    
10.733211 - QVD Prince Stanislao Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 2005            
10.733212 - QVD Princess Olimpia Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 2008            
10.73322 - QVD Princess Vittoria Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1971     Kenneth Lindsay 1970    
10.73322 - QVD Princess Vittoria Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1971     Stefano Colonna 1965    
10.733221 - QVD   Josephine Lindsay 1998            
10.733222 - QVD   Benedict Lindsay 2001            
10.733223 - QVD   Francesca Colonna 2008            
10.73323 - QVD Princess Caterina Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1974     Stefano d'Albora 1966    
10.733231 - QVD   Gianpoalo d'Albora 2002            
10.733232 - QVD   Gianmarco d'Albora 2003            
10.7333 - QVD Prince Marino Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1939 1995          
10.7334 - QVD Princess Olimpia Torlonia of Civitella-Cesi 1943     Paul-Annik Weiller 1933 1998 Obituary of Paul-Annik Weiller
10.73341 - QVD   Beatrice Weiller 1967     Andre Correa do Lago 1959    
10.733411 - QVD   Paul-Annik Weiller Correa do Lago 1996            
10.733412 - QVD   Helena Weiller Correa do Lago 1997            
10.733413 - QVD   Antonio Weiller Correa do Lago 1999            
10.733414 - QVD   Victoria Weiller Correa do Lago 2000            
10.73342 - QVD   Sibilla Weiller 1968   Prince Guillaume of Luxemburg 1963   See 34.2215
10.73343 - QVD   Paul-Alexandre Weiller 1970 1975          
10.73344 - QVD   Laura Weiller 1974 1980          
10.73345 - QVD   Cosima Weiller 1984            
10.73346 - QVD   Domitilla Weiller 1985            
10.734 - QVD   Stillborn Son (son of Princess Victoria Eugenia of Battenberg and King Alfonso XIII of Spain) 1910 1910         A brief report on the sad occasion of the birth of the stillborn son
10.735 - QVD Infanta Maria Christina of Spain 1911 1996   Enrico Marone-Cinzano (1st Count of Marone-Cinzano) 1895 1968 Enrico was created the Count of Marone-Cinzano by King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy on 13 May 1940 to mark his marriage to Maria Christina on 10 June 1940.
Enrico is from the famous "Vermouth" family. Enrico and his first wife Noemi de Alcosta y Garcia de Mansilla were the parent's of Alberto Marone-Cinzano (1929-1989) (2nd Count of Marone-Cinzano) whose son Enrico Marone-Cinzano Cizano was the husband to Princess Mafalda of Hesse-Cassel another descendant of Queen Victoria
10.7351 - QVD   Vittoria Marone-Cinzano 1941     Jose Carlos Alvarez de Toledo y Gross (8 th Count of Villapaterna) 1929 2000  
10.73511 - QVD   Victoria Eugenia Alvarez de Toledo and Marone-Cinzano 1961     Alfonso Codorniu y Aguilar 1954   In 2001, Victoria Eugenia succeeded as Marqués de Casa Loring following the death of her father
10.735111 - QVD   Jaime Codorniu y Alvarez de Toledo 1985     María Nieto y Barbadillo ?    
10.735112 - QVD   Ana Codorniu y Alvarez de Toledo 1987     David Rovira y Gurrera ?    
10.7351121 - QVD   Marco Rovira y Codorniu 2018            
10.735113 - QVD   Carla Codorniu y Alvarez de Toledo 1991            
10.73512 - QVD   Francisco de Borja Alvarez de Toledo and Marone-Cinzano 1964     Jill Debra Schlanger 1957   In 2001, Francisco de Borja succeeded as Count of Villapaterna following the death of his father
10.735121 - QVD   Daniel Alvarez de Toledo y Schlanger 1995            
10.735122 - QVD   Jacobo Alvarez de Toledo y Schlanger 1997            
10.73513 - QVD   Marco Alvarez de Toledo y Marone-Cinzano 1965            
10.73514 - QVD   Gonzalo Alvarez de Toledo y Marone-Cinzano 1973            
10.7352 - QVD   Giovanna Marone-Cinzano 1943     Jaime Galobart y Satrustegui 1935 2010  
10.7352 - QVD   Giovanna Marone-Cinzano 1943     Luis Sanchez Merlo y Ruiz 1947    
10.73521 - QVD   Alfonso Galobart y Marone-Cinzano 1969     Alexandra Kindelán y Oteyza 1971    
10.735211 - QVD   Andrea Galobart y Kindelán 1999            
10.735212 - QVD   Alfonso Galobart y Kindelán 2002            
10.735213 - QVD   Alejandro Galobart y Kindelán 2007            
10.7353 - QVD   Maria Teresa Marone-Cinzano 1945   Marques Jose Maria Ruiz de Arana y Montalvo de Brenes (17th Duke de Baena, 15th Marquis de Villamanrique, 5 th Marques de Brenes plus other titles ) 1933 2004  
10.73531 - QVD   Christina Ruiz de Arana y Marone-Cinzano (18th Duchess de Baena plus other titles) 1968            
10.73532 - QVD   Isabel Ruiz de Arana y Marone-Cinzano (16th Marquesa de Villamanrique) 1970     Ignacio Izuzquiza y Fernández 1970    
10.735321 - QVD   Crista Izuzquiza Ruiz de Arana 2002            
10.735322 - QVD   Iñigo Izuzquiza Ruiz de Arana 2004            
10.735323 - QVD   Inès Izuzquia y Ruiz de Arana 2006            
10.73533 - QVD   Ines Ruiz de Arana y Marone-Cinzano (6th Marquesa de Brenes) 1973     Carlos Magraner y Ubieta 1975    
10.735331 - QVD   Carla Magraner y Ruiz de Arana 2013            
10.735332 - QVD   Jaime Magraner y Ruiz de Arana 2014            
10.7354 - QVD   Anna Marone-Cinzano 1948     Giancarlo Stavro di Santarosa 1944    
10.7354 - QVD   Anna Marone-Cinzano 1948     Fernando Schwartz y Giron 1937    
10.73541 - QVD   Astrid Stavro Santarosa 1972            
10.73542 - QVD   Yara Stavro Santarosa 1974            
10.736 - QVD Infante Juan of Spain (Count of Barcelona) 1913 1993 Princess Maria de las Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1910 2000 See 37.55426 - Infante Juan renounced his rights to the Spanish throne on 14 May 1977 in favour of his son Juan Carlos
10.7361 - QVD Infanta Maria del Pilar of Spain (Duchess of Badajoz) 1936 2020   Luis Gómez-Acebo y de Estrada (Viscount de la Torre) 1934 1991 Luis is a cousin of Margarita Gómez-Acebo y Cejuela (the wife of King Simeon II of Bulgaria). Report on the death of Maria del Pilar (in Spanish)
10.73611 - QVD   Simoneta Gómez-Acebo y de Borbon 1968     Jose Fernandez y Sastron 1959    
10.736111 - QVD   Luis Fernandez y Gómez-Acebo 1991            
10.736112 - QVD   Pablo Fernandez y Gómez-Acebo 1995            
10.736113 - QVD   Maria Fernandez y Gómez-Acebo 2000            
10.73612 - QVD   Juan Gómez-Acebo y de Borbon (Viscount de la Torre) 1969 2024   Winston Holmes Carney 1970   Report on the death of Juan Gómez-Acebo
10.736121 - QVD   Nicolás Gómez-Acebo y Carney 2013            
10.73613 - QVD   Bruno Gómez-Acebo y de Borbon 1971     Barbara Cano y de la Plaza 1972    
10.736131 - QVD   Alejandro Juan Gómez-Acebo y Cano 2004            
10.736132 - QVD   Guillermo Gómez-Acebo y Cano 2005            
10.736133 - QVD   Alvaro Gómez-Acebo y Cano 2011            
10.73614 - QVD   Beltrán Gómez Acebo y de Borbón 1973     Laura Ponte y Martínez 1973    
10.73614 - QVD   Beltrán Gómez Acebo y de Borbón 1973     Andrea Pascual 1979?   An Elmundo article on the intended marriage of Beltrán Gómez Acebo and Andrea Pascual.
And a Hola article on the day of the marriage
10.736141 - QVD   Luis Felipe Gómez-Acebo y Ponte 2005            
10.736142 - QVD   Laura Gómez-Acebo y Ponte 2006            
10.736143 - QVD   Juan Gómez-Acebo y Pascual 2016            
10.73615 - QVD   Fernando Gómez-Acebo y de Borbon 1974 2024   Mónica Martin Luque 1975    
10.73615 - QVD   Fernando Gómez-Acebo y de Borbon 1974 2024   Nadia Halamandari 1974/75   Report surrounding the sad death of Fernando Gómez-Acebo
10.736151 - QVD   Nicolás Gómez-Acebo y Halamandari 2016 2024          
10.7362 - QVD King Juan Carlos I of Spain 1938   Princess Sophie "Sofia" of Greece and Denmark 1938   See 16.141 - Juan Carlos ascended the Spanish throne on 22 November 1975 following the death of the Dictator, General Franco.
Juan Carlos abdicated the Crown of Spain on 18 June 2014 in favour of his son Felipe
10.73621 - QVD Infanta Elena of Spain (Duchess of Lugo) 1963     Jaime de Marichalar y Sáenz de Tejada 1963   Jaime is known as the Duke of Lugo
10.736211 - QVD   Felipe Juan Marichalar y de Borbon 1998            
10.736212 - QVD   Victoria Frederica Marichalar y de Borbon 2000            
10.73622 - QVD Infanta Cristina of Spain (Duchess of Palma de Mallorca) 1965     Iñaki Urdangarin y Liebaert 1968    
10.736221 - QVD   Juan Valentín Urdangarin y de Borbon 1999            
10.736222 - QVD   Pablo Nicolás Urdangarin y de Borbon 2000            
10.736223 - QVD   Miguel Urdangarin y de Borbon 2002            
10.736224 - QVD   Irene Urdangarin y de Borbon 2005            
10.73623 - QVD King Felipe of Spain 1968     Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano 1972   Felipe became King of Spain on 19 June 2014 following the abdication of his father Juan Carlos.
10.736231 - QVD Infanta Leonor of Spain (Princess of Asturias) 2005            
10.736232 - QVD Infanta Sofía of Spain 2007            
10.7363 - QVD Infanta Margarita of Spain (Duchess of Soria) 1939     Carlos Zurita y Delgado 1943    
10.73631 - QVD   Alfonso Zurita y Delgado y de Borbon 1973            
10.73632 - QVD   Maria Zurita y Delgado y de Borbon 1975           Maria Zurita is multi-bilingual. She speaks six languages and runs her own translation and interpretation company Zesauro Traducciones
10.736321 - QVD   Carlos Zurita 2018           Carlos was conceived by In vitro fertilization (IVF), an interesting background article
10.7364 - QVD Infante Alfonso of Spain 1941 1956         Infante Alfonso was accidentally killed in a shooting accident in the presence of his brother, the future King Juan Carlos. According to Paul Preston's book "JUAN CARLOS: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy" Alfonso, 14, was shot dead with a .22 calibre pistol while the 18-year-old Juan Carlos was alone with him. Paul Preston's is a professor at the LSE and regarded as the leading historian of twentieth-century Spain alive, his book caused a furore by suggesting the future monarch may have pulled the trigger.
A newspaper report at the time indicated Infante Alfonso had accidently killed himself whilst cleaning his pistol.
10.737 - QVD Infante Gonzalo of Spain 1914 1934         Infante Gonzalo who suffered from haemophilia bled to death 2 days after being involved in a car accident Lake Worth, Carinthia, Austria , his sister Infanta Beatriz who was driving the car suffered only slight injuries.
10.8 Infanta Maria de la Concepcion of Spain 1859 1861          
10.9 Infanta Maria del Pilar of Spain 1861 1879          
10.J Infanta Maria de la Paz of Spain 1862 1946 Prince Ludwig Ferdinand of Bavaria 1859 1949 See 18.191 - An account of an audiance by Maria de la Paz with Pope Leo XIII
10.K Infanta Marie Eulalia of Spain 1864 1958 Prince Antonia of Orleans (4th Duke of Galliera) 1866 1930 See 13.J8 - Prince Antonia was also Infante of Spain
Antonia of Orleans (4th Duke of Galliera) inherited the title from a rich Genoa lady (Maria Brignole Sale De Ferrari) via a somewhat convoluted route.

The first Duchess of Galliera (1813 to 1817) was Princess Josephine of Leuchtenberg

The second Duchess of Galliera (1837-1888) was Maria Brignole Sale De Ferrari (1811-1888) wife of the Marquis Raffaele Ferrari (1808-1876) who was created Duke of Galliera by Pope Gregory XVI in 1837, both Maria and her husband Raffaele were extremely rich in their own rights.

They had three children, the oldest died one year of age, their second child Andrea (1831-1847) grew up as friend of Antonia's father Antoine of Orleans (Duke of Montpensier). Maria and Raffaele's youngest son Philip ( 1850 -1917 ) had no interest in titles or enormous wealth and when Maria Brignole Sale De Ferrari died her wealth and title (i.e. Galliera) were passed to Antoine of Orleans (Duke of Montpensier) in view of the friendship between him and her son Andrea.

I haven't located any reference to Antoine of Orleans (Duke of Montpensier) being designated (Duke of Galliera).

In 1895, King Umberto I of Italy recognised Antonio as the heir of the title Duke of Galliera (4th).

New York Times article on Antonia (Duke of Galliera) escape!
10.L Infante Francis of Spain 1866 1866          

Note - QVD against a reference number indicates the first named individual is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Last Updated on 02 March 2025
By Allan Raymond
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