Monarchies of Europe

Italian Royal FamilyItalian Coat of Arms

Coats of Arms by permission of Arnaud Bunel

Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.

8 King Charles Albert of Sardinia 1798 1849 Archduchess Maria Teresa of Austria (Tuscany Line) 1801 1855 See 20.5 - Charles Albert born a Prince of Savoy-Carignano succeeded his distant cousin Charles Felix as King of Sardinia on 27 April 1831.
Charles declared war on Austria on 22 March 1848 and an armistice was signed on 9 August 1848 which lasted seven months until 12 March 1849 when it was denounced by Charles.
This led to the Battle of Novara which lasted one day from 22 March to 23 March 1849 and the severe defeat of Charles's army and he abdicated on the same day (about three months prior to his death) in favour of his son Victor Emanuel
8.1 King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy 1820 1878 Archduchess Adelheid of Austria 1822 1855 Victor was King of Sardinia and became King of the united Italy on 17 March 1861 having acquired Parma, Modena and Tuscany in 1860 and the Two Sicilies in March 1861.
8.1 King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy 1820 1878   Rosa Vercellana 1833 1885 Victor was King of Sardinia and became King of the united Italy on 17 March 1861 having acquired Parma, Modena and Tuscany in 1860 and the Two Sicilies in March 1861. Rosa was created Countess di Mirafiori e Fontanafredda on 11 April 1859.
Rosa Vercellana wasn't allowed to be buried with Victor Emmanuel II in the Roman Pantheon, her two children had a mausoleum built for her in a similar form (if on a smaller scale) to the Pantheon in Turin, called Mausoleo della Bela Rosin”“. The “Mausoleo della Bela Rosin” fell into disrepair and the remains of Rosa Vercellana were disturbed by individuals looking for jewellery. Her remains were removed to the Monumental Cemetery in Turin where apparently they still reside.
New York Times Obituary on King Victor Emmanuel II
8.11 Princess Clotilde of Savoy 1843 1911 Prince Napoléon Joseph Bonaparte (Prince Napoléon) "Plon-Plon" 1822 1891 See 22.123 - The New York Times report on the death of Napoléon Joseph
8.12 King Umberto I of Italy 1844 1900 Princess Margherita of Savoy 1851 1926 See 8.21 - Umberto was assassinated at Monza by an anarchist called Gaetano Bresci (1869-1901). Bresci was captured and put on trial and sentenced to hard labour at Santo Stefano prison on Ventotene Island. There he was found dead in prison less than a year later on 23 May 1901, which was attributed to suicide, although he was almost certainly murdered by the guards.
Death report on Queen Margherita
A stature of King Umberto in Stresa. stature of King Umberto in Stresa (photograph - Allan Raymond during a visit)
8.121 King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy 1869 1947 Princess Jelena "Elena" of Montenegro 1873 1952 See 40.6 - Victor Emmanuel became unpopular because of his long association with Benito Mussolini and abdicated on 9 May 1946 in favour of his son Umberto. He died in exile in Egypt.
Some "Reminiscences of the Beautiful Elena of Montenegro" written shortly after her husband Victor Emmanuel succeeded his father as King of Italy
8.1211 Princess Yolanda Margherita of Savoy 1901 1986 Conte Giorgio Calvi de Bergolo (6th Conte di Bergolo) 1887 1977 Giorgio was a brother to Matilda Calvi di Bergolo (wife of Prince Aage of Denmark).
An interesting account of Princess Yolanda and her possible sacrifice in marrying Conte Calvi di Bergolo. A report on the marriage of Princess Yolanda and Conte Calvi di Bergolo.
A strange encounter between Conte Calvi di Bergolo and Mussolini, supposedly they fought a duel following a discussion on the issue of a new two lire coin.
8.1212 Princess Mafalda of Savoy 1902 1944 Landgrave Philip of Hesse-Cassel 1896 1980 See 45.41453 - In early September of 1943, Princess Mafalda traveled to Bulgaria to attend the funeral of her brother-n-law, King Boris III. Hitler believed Mafalda was working against the Nazis and the Gestapo ordered her arrest, and on September 23rd she received a telephone call from Karl Hass at the German High Command who informed her there was an important message from her husband. On her arrival at the German embassy she was arrested, ostensibly for her subversive activities, but also as a threat to keep her father, the King of Italy, in line. Mafalda was transported to Munich for questioning, then to Berlin and was finally deported to Buchenwald concentration camp. Mafalda died in Buchenwald concentration camp; she was severely wounded during an Allied bombing raid and had to have an arm amputated and she died the following day.
Landgrave Philipp was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943 and put into solitary confinement for 20 months. He was later arrested by the American Army and was finally freed in 1948.
A report on the wedding of Mafalda and Philip
8.1213 King Umberto II of Italy 1904 1983 Princess Marie Jose of Belgium 1906 2001 See 14.353 - Umberto succeeded his father as King on 9 May 1946. In a referendum on 2 June 1946 12.7 million Italians voted in favour of a republic and 10.7 million for the retention of the monarchy. Although Umberto refused to accept the vote against the monarchy he left Italy on 13 June 1946 to prevent the outbreak of violence. Umberto and his male heirs were forbidden to set foot on Italian territory from that point on.
8.12131 Princess Maria Pia of Savoy 1934   Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia 1924 2016 See 7.J11 -
Birth registration of Prince Alexander.
A report on the birth of Maria Pia.
Orbituary on Prince Alexander
8.12131 Princess Maria Pia of Savoy 1934   Prince Michael of Bourbon-Parma 1926 2018 See 38.S3
8.12132 Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy (Prince of Naples and Duke of Savoy) 1937 2024   Marina Doria 1935   Victor Emmanuel ws Head of the Royal House of Savoy. Victor Emmanuel made his first visit to Italy on 23 December 2002 since his family were forced into exile in 1946. The Constitutional Law prohibiting the return of male descendants of the King of Italy was abolished with effect from 10 November 2002.
A brief report on the birth of Victor Emmanuel
On the night of 17 to 18 August 1978 Victor Emmanuel shot and seriously wounded nineteen-year-old German, Dirk Hamer who was asleep on a boat moored in Isle of Cavallo near Corsica. Dirk Hamer was initially taken to Porto-Vecchio Hospital Corsica and a day or so later on 19 August he was moved to the Marseilles Northern Hospital where he underwent surgery to amputate his leg and also needed 14 hours of dialysis because his kidneys had failed. Against doctor's advice his parents transferred him on 30 August to Heidelberg University Hospital where he subsequently died on 7 December 1978. Quite a long time after the shooting on 18 November 1991 the Paris Assize Court sentenced Prince Victor-Emmanuel to six months’ imprisonment, suspended, for unauthorised possession and carrying of a US30MI rifle. It also acquitted Prince Victor-Emmanuel of fatal wounding and unintentional homicide, ruling that he had not "by clumsiness, carelessness, inattention or negligence, unintentionally caused the death of Mr Dirk Hamer".
In 2006 whilst serving a prison sentence (having been charged with being part of a criminal gang, but the case was later dismissed.) Victor Emmanuel (you may have to subscribe to see aricle or you can seach for dirk hamer financial times) was caught on video telling his prison cellmate that he had killed a man (i.e. Dirk Hamer) and how he had fooled the judiciary.
Another article on the supposed confession by Victor Emmanuel
8.121321 Prince Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy (Prince of Venice and Piedmont) 1972     Clotilde Courau 1969    
8.1213211 Princess Vittoria of Savoy 2003            
8.1213212 Princess Luisa Giovanna of Savoy 2006            
8.12133 Princess Maria Grabriella of Savoy 1940     Robert Zellinger de Balkany 1931 2015 Robert Zellinger de Balkany was born Robert Zellinger (the link is now a subscription access) and added "de Balkany" sometime in the 1950's, he was a businessman who amongst his enterprises introduced American-inspired shopping centres to France.
8.121331   Marie Elizabeth Zellinger de Balkany 1972     Olivier Janssens 1964    
8.1213311   Gabriella Luisa Janssens 2004            
8.1213312   Tommaso Janssens 2006            
8.1213313   Paul Louis Janssens 2009            
8.1213314   Victor Janssens 2011            
8.12134 Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy 1943     Luis Rafael Reyna-Corvalán y Dillon 1939 1999 There was great consternation in Maria Beatrice's family when it became known of her intention to marry an Italian actor Maurizio Arena (1933-1979).
A brief report on the wedding of Maria Beatrice and Luis Rafael Reyna Luis was murdered at his Villa in Mexico by one of his male workers. A report of the tragic circumstances can be found here - (in Spanish).
An interesting article on Maria Beatrice and her family - (in Spanish).
8.121341   Rafael Reyna y de Saboya 1970 1994         Rafael Reyna died after he apparently jumped from a window in Boston
8.121342   Patrizio Reyna y de Saboya 1971 1971          
8.121343   Azaea Reyna y de Saboya 1973     Arturo Pando y Mundet 1971    
8.1214 Princess Giovanna of Savoy 1907 2000 King Boris III of Bulgaria 1894 1943 See 17.1 - Boris died in mysterious circumstances following a visit to Hitler. The official cause of death was given as "a thrombosis of the left artery to the heart, double pneumonia and a cerebral congestion". One theory is that the oxygen mask used by Boris in the airplane to fly back home had been tampered with.
A perspective from 1940 on King Boris
A report on the wedding of King Boris and Princess Giovanna
8.1215 Princess Maria of Savoy 1914 2001 Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma 1899 1967 See 38.V - A report on the marriage of Maria and Louis.
The article also mentions Maria was formerly "provisionally" engaged to the Archduke Otto, the Austro-Hungarian Pre-tender, on condition that he regained his throne.
Not forgetting that Louis was an uncle of the Archduke Otto
8.13 Prince Amedeo of Savoy (1 st Duke of Aosta) 1845 1890 Princess Maria Victoria della Cisterna di Belriguardo 1847 1876 Amedeo was created Duke of Aosta in 1845.
Following the abdication of, Queen Isabel II of Spain Amedeo was proclaimed King of Spain on 16 November 1870 after the Cortes voted 191 for and 120 against his election.
Amedeo abdicated on 11 February 1873 and returned to Italy.
An article published prior to the intended marriage of Amedeo and Maria Victoria. It was reported that Maria Victoria as an only surviving child was the heiress to a substantial fortune from both her mother and father.
8.13 Prince Amedeo of Savoy (1 st Duke of Aosta) 1845 1890 Princess Maria Laetitia Bonaparte 1866 1926 See 22.1233 - Amedeo was created Duke of Aosta in 1845 and was proclaimed King of Spain on 16 November 1870 (following the abdication of Queen Isabel II of Spain) and abdicated on 11 February 1873 and returned to Italy.
Report on the wedding of Amedeo and Maria Laetitia.This is an uncle/niece marriage, Maria Laetitia's mother was a sister to Amedeo
8.131 Prince Emanuel Philibert of Savoy (2 nd Duke of Aosta) 1869 1931 Princess Helene of Orleans 1871 1951 See 13.113 -
Marriage Registration of Prince Emanuel Philibert and Princess Helene
The New York Times report on the wedding of Prince Emanuel Philibert and Princess Helene
Birth Registration of Princess Helene.
Death report of Princess Helene, Duchess of Aosta
8.1311 Prince Amedeo II of Savoy (3 rd Duke of Aosta) 1898 1942 Princess Anne of Orleans 1906 1986 See 13.1253 - Amedeo was a prisoner of the British in Kenya and was allowed by them to live in Nairobi in comparative comfort in a nursing home where he died from tuberculosis.
Amedeo was the Viceroy and Governor-General of Italian East Africa. The East African Campaign (World War II) was a series of battles fought in East Africa during World War II by the British Empire, the British Commonwealth of Nations and several allies against the forces of Italy from June 1940 to November 1941. The Duke of Aosta commanded the mountainous region of Amba Alagi in Ethiopia and after a gallant effort on defending the Italians position he was forced on 18 May 1941 to surrender his forces .
8.13111 Princess Margherita of Savoy 1930 2022 Archduke Robert of Austria-Este 1915 1996 See 19.J3213 - Robert was accorded the title Archduke of Austria-Este on 16 April 1917 by his father Emperor Karl I of Austria.
Report on the wedding of Margherita and Robert.
8.13112 Princess Maria Christina of Savoy 1933 2023 Prince Casimir of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1938   See 37.554L5
8.1312 Prince Aimon of Savoy (4th Duke of Aosta) 1900 1948 Princess Irene of Greece and Denmark 1904 1974 See 16.15 - Aimon was designated King of Croatia 18 May 1941 but never reigned and finally abandoned all claim to that throne in 1943.
A somewhat unusual report on the wedding of Aimon and Irene which focussed more on her cousin The Duchess of Kent who apparently stole the show at the wedding.
8.13121 - QVD Prince Amedeo III of Savoy (5 th Duke of Aosta) 1943 2021 Princess Claude of Orleans 1943   See 13.12549
8.13121 - QVD Prince Amedeo III of Savoy (5 th Duke of Aosta) 1943 2021 Marchessa Silvia Paterno di Spedalotto 1953   Report on the death of Prince Amedeo
8.131211 - QVD Princess Bianca of Savoy 1966   Count Giberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga 1961   An interesting article on an interview with Countess Bianca di Savoia Aosta Arrivabene.
Countess Bianca and her husband own the Palazzo Papadopoli on the Grand Canal, Venice. The Palazzo Papadopoli is now a 5* hotel although the Countess Bianca di Savoia Aosta Arrivabenefamily still live on the top floor of The Palazzo.
8.1312111 - QVD Donna Viola Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga 1991     Charles Maximillian Siem 1986    
8.13121111 - QVD   Ada Mafalda Siem 2023            
8.1312112 - QVD Donna Vera Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga 1993   Nobile Briano Martinoni Caleppio 1984    
8.13121121 - QVD Nobile Dardo Martinoni Caleppio 2023            
8.1312113 - QVD Donna Mafalda Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga 1997            
8.1312114 - QVD Donna Maddalena Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga 2000            
8.1312115 - QVD Count Leonardo Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga 2001            
8.131212 - QVD Prince Aimone of Savoy (6 th Duke of Aosta) 1967   Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark 1971   See 16.812
8.1312121 - QVD Prince Umberto of Savoy (Prince of Piedmont) 2009            
8.1312122- QVD Prince Amedeo of Savoy (Duke of the Abruzzi) 2011            
8.1312123 - QVD Princess Isabella of Savoy 2012            
8.131213 - QVD   Piero Incisa della Rochetta 1967           Piero parents are Prince Amedeo III and Nerina Corsini (wife of Enrico Incisa della Rochetta).
Piero is also the owner of a wine making business.
8.131214 - QVD Princess Mafalda of Savoy 1969   Don Alessandro Ruffo di Calabria 1964   Alessandro's father Prince Fabrizio Ruffo di Calabria is a brother of Queen Paulo of the Belgians
8.131214 - QVD Princess Mafalda of Savoy 1969   Baron Francesco Ferrante Lombardo di San Chirico 1968   Further details on the Lombardo di San Chirico family.
8.1312141 - QVD Nobile Anna Egiziaca Lombardo di San Chirico 1999            
8.1312142 - QVD Nobile Carlo Ferrante Lombardo di San Chirico 2001            
8.1312143 - QVD Nobile Elena Lombardo di San Chirico 2003            
8.131215 - QVD   Ginevra di Savoia 2006           Ginevra parents are Prince Amedeo III and Kyara van Ellinkhuizen
8.132 Prince Victor Emanual of Savoy (Count of Turin) 1870 1946         Duel with Prince Henri Philippe of Orleans
8.133 Prince Louis of Savoy (Duke of the Abruzzi) 1873 1933         Louis was a renowned mountaineer and explorer. In 1900 during one of his planned expeditions towards the North Pole by dogsled he suffered frostbite which resulted in the amputation of two of his fingers. Some additional information about his explorations (Copyright The New York Times)
8.134 Prince Humbert of Savoy (Count of Salemi) 1889 1918         Humbert was killed in action in Crepano de Grapa.
Humbert paid perhaps too much attention to young ladies rather than his naval academy studies and in so doing incurred the wrath of his cousin King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy
8.14 Prince Otto of Savoy (Duke of Montferrat) 1846 1866          
8.15 Princess Maria Pia of Savoy 1847 1911 King Luiz I of Portugal 1838 1889 See 12.412
8.16 Prince Carlo Alberto of Savoy (Duke of Chablais) 1851 1854          
8.17 Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy (Count of Geneva) 1855 1855          
8.18   Vittoria Guerrieri 1848 1905         Vittoria Guerrieri is the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel II and his morganatic second wife Rosa Vercellana. She was born before her parents marriage on 7 November 1869.
An interesting article on an impoverished granddaughter of Vittoria Guerrieri .
For further genealogy information please see William Addams Reitwiesne web page on "The Descendants of Donna Vittoria Guerrieri"
8.2 Prince Ferdinanda of Sardinia (Duke of Genoa) 1822 1855 Princess Elisabeth of Saxony 1830 1912 See 26.663 - Ferdinanda was created Duke of Genoa in 1831.
8.21 Princess Margherita of Savoy 1851 1926 King Umberto I of Italy 1844 1900 See 8.12 - Umberto was assassinated at Monza by an anarchist called Gaetano Bresci (1869-1901). Bresci was captured and put on trial and sentenced to hard labour at Santo Stefano prison on Ventotene Island. There he was found dead in prison less than a year later on 23 May 1901, which was attributed to suicide, although he was almost certainly murdered by the guards.
Death report on Queen Margherita
8.22 Prince Tomasso of Savoy (2 nd Duke of Genoa) 1854 1931 Princess Marie Isabella of Bavaria 1863 1924 See 18.193
The great welcome and festivities in Italy for Prince Tomasso when he returned with his new wife Isabella shortly after their wedding in Munich.
8.221 Prince Ferdinand of Savoy (3 rd Duke of Genoa) 1884 1963 Countess Mary Louise of Ricaldone 1899 1986  
8.222 Prince Philiberta of Savoy (4 th Duke of Genoa) 1895 1990 Princess Lydia of Arenberg 1905 1977 Lydia was a sister to Duke Engelbert-Charles of Arenberg (10 th Duke of Arenberg)
8.223 Princess Bona Margherita of Savoy 1896 1971 Prince Konrad of Bavaria 1883 1969 See 18.1524
8.224 Prince Adalbert of Savoy (Duke of Bergamo) 1898 1982          
8.225 Princess Maria Adelaide of Savoy 1904 1979 Prince Leone Massimo di Arsoli 1896 1979  
8.226 Prince Eugenio of Savoy, Duke of Ancona (5 th Duke of Genoa) 1906 1996 Princess Lucia of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1908 2001 See 37.55415
8.2261 Princess Maria Isabella of Savoy 1943     Alberto Frioli 1943    
8.3 Princess Maria Cristina of Sardinia 1826 1827          

Note - QVD against a reference number indicates the first named individual is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Last Updated on 18 March 2025
By Allan Raymond
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