Monarchies of Europe

Bourbon-Parma Royal FamilyBourbon Parma Coat of Arms

Coats of Arms by permission of Arnaud Bunel

Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.

38 Duke Roberto I of Bourbon-Parma 1848 1907 Princess Maria Pia delle Grazie of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1849 1882 See 37.559 - The House of Bourbon-Parma was established (1731) in the duchy of Parma and Piacenza when Isabella (Elizabeth) Farnese (1692-1766) wife of King Philip V of Spain transmitted her rights to Parma to her son Carlos (1716-1788). Isabella Farnese was a niece to Antonio Farnese (1679-1731) the eighth and final Farnese Duke of Parma and Piacenza.
Carlos became King of Spain in 1759 and his younger brother Phillip (1720-1765) succeeded him as the Duke of Parma and through him derives the present house of Bourbon Parma.
Roberta was the son of Duke Carlo III of Bourbon-Parma (1823-1854) and Princess Louise Marie Thérèse of France (1819-1864).
Roberto was overthrown in 1860 following the annexation of the Duchy of Parma to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1859. Princess Maria Pia died in childbirth of her daughter Princess Augusto.
A not particularly kind article on Roberta and his twenty four children (the article actually mentions twenty children).
38 Duke Roberto I of Bourbon-Parma 1848 1907 Infanta Maria Antónia of Portugal 1862 1959 See 12.77 - Roberto was overthrown in 1859 following the annexation of the Duchy of Parma to the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1859.
Death announcement of Duke Roberto which mentions he left an estimated fortune of forty million dollars ($40 million) and was a father of twenty one (21) children. Roberto actually had twenty four (24) children of which two died in their infancy and a third was stillborn.
Another announcement on the death of Duke Roberto
38.1 Princess Maria Luisa of Bourbon-Parma 1870 1899 King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria 1861 1948 See 17 - Ferdinand was born Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, he was elected Prince of Bulgaria 7 July 1887 and proclaimed himself King (Tsar) of Bulgaria on 5 October 1908. Ferdinand was forced to abdicate in favour of his son Boris on 3 October 1918 following Bulgaria's defeat in World War I and he left Bulgaria to spend most of the rest of his life at Coburg, Germany.

(Note: Bulgaria for centuries had been a province of the Ottoman Empire and in 1875 there was an abortive uprising of the Bulgarians against Turkish Rule. Russia invaded and defeated Turkey and by 1879 Bulgaria was granted autonomy under the Treaty of San Stefano. Prince Alexander of Battenberg was elected Prince of Bulgaria on 29 April 1879 and after strong pressure from Russia was forced to abdicate on 4 September 1886).

Wedding report of Prince (wasn't King at time of his marriage) Ferdinand of Bulgaria and Princess Maria Luisa

It was reported in 1896 that Maria Luisa wanted an annulment of her marriage to Ferdinand because of his intention to re-baptise his son Boris into the Greek Orthodox Church.

If that wasn't enough, Ferdinand's mother Princess Clementine of Orleans was threatening to abandon his cause in Bulgaria if he persisted with the re-baptism of Boris.

Maria Luisa fell victim to pneumonia and died 24 hours after the birth of her daughter Nadejda.

New York Times Report on Ferdinand's aim to be King

Death report of King Ferdinand
Death report of Princess Maria Luisa
38.2 Prince Ferdinando of Bourbon-Parma 1871 1872          
38.3 Princess Luisa of Bourbon-Parma 1872 1943          
38.4 Duke Enrico of Bourbon-Parma 1873 1939         Enrico (translates to Henry) was Titular pretender of Parma from 1907 to 1939 following the death of his father Duke Roberto I.
38.5 Princess Maria Immacolata of Bourbon-Parma 1874 1914          
38.6 Duke Giuseppe (translates to Joseph) of Bourbon-Parma 1875 1950         Giuseppe (translates to Joseph) was Titular pretender to the throne of Parma from 1939 to 1950 following the death of his brother Enrico
38.7 Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Parma 1876 1959          
38.8 Princess Maria Pia of Bourbon-Parma 1877 1915          
38.9 Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Parma 1879 1946 Count Pietro Luchesi Palli 1870 1939 Pietro was the son of Count Adinolfo Lucchesi Palli (1840 - 1911) who in turn was the son of Count Ettore Lucchesi Palli and his wife Princess Maria Carolina of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
Wedding photograph of Count Pietro and Princess Beatrice
38.J Duke Elias of Bourbon-Parma 1880 1959 Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria (Teschen Line) 1882 1940 See 44.322 - Elias was Titular pretender to the throne of Parma from 1950 to 1959 following the death of his brother Giuseppe (translates to Joseph)
38.J1 Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Parma 1904 1983          
38.J2 Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Parma 1905 1912          
38.J3 Princess Maria of Bourbon-Parma 1906 1994          
38.J4 Duke Roberto II of Bourbon-Parma 1909 1974         Roberto was Titular pretender to the throne of Parma from 1959 to 1974 following the death of his father Elias
38.J5 Prince Francesco of Bourbon-Parma 1913 1939          
38.J6 Princess Giovanna of Bourbon-Parma 1916 1949         Giovanna was killed in a shooting accident in La Toledana, Spain
38.J7 Princess Alice of Bourbon-Parma 1917 2017 Prince Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Duke of Calabria and Count of Caserta) (Infante of Spain) 1901 1964 See 37.55421 - Alphonso lay claim to the Head of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies on the death of his uncle Prince Ferdinando of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Duke of Calabria), and also assumed the title of Duke of Calabria.
A short article relating to the proposed marriage of Alice and Alfonso and a second article on the marriage.
38.J8 Princess Maria Cristina of Bourbon-Parma 1925 2009          
38.K Princess Maria Anastasia of Bourbon-Parma 1881 1881          
38.L Princess Augusto of Bourbon-Parma 1882 1882          
38.M Princess Maria della Neve Adelaide of Bourbon-Parma 1885 1959         Princess Maria della Neve Adelaide became a nun at the Benedictine Convent of St. Cecilia at Ryde, Isle of Wight. She was one of three sisters who became a nun at the same convent.
38.N Prince Sisto "Sixte" of Bourbon-Parma 1886 1934   Hedwige de la Rochefoucauld 1896 1986 Hedwige was a daughter of Armand de la Rochefoucauld, 5th Duke of Doudeauville
New York Time report of the wedding of Prince Sixte and Hedwige.
Sixte was involved in secret discussions to try and stop the continuation of the First World War.
A brief report on the death and times of Prince Sixte.
38.N1 Princess Isabelle Marie of Bourbon-Parma 1922 2015 Count Roger de La Rochefoucauld 1915 1970 Roger de La Rochefoucauld was killed in plane wreck nr St-Germain-les-Paroisses
38.O Duke Francesco Saverio "Xavier" of Bourbon-Parma 1889 1977   Madeleine de Bourbon-Bussett 1898 1984 Xavier was Titular pretender to the throne of Parma from 1974 to 1977 following the death of his nephew Roberto.
The Bourbon-Bussett descend in the male line from a possible illegitimate son of Louis de Bourbon (1438-1482) Prince-Bishopric of Liège
38.O1 Princess Marie Françoise of Bourbon-Parma 1928   Prince Eduard von Lobkowicz 1926 2010  
38.O2 Prince Carlos Hugo of Bourbon-Parma (Duke of Parma) 1930 2010 Princess Irene of the Netherlands 1939   See 9.11412 - Carlos was naturalised in Spain on 5 January 1979 by Royal Decree. Irene renounced her rights of succession to the Netherlands throne on 29 April 1964 following her marriage to Prince Carlos.
The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982) report on the marriage of Prince Carlos and Princess Irene
Carlos was expelled from Spain in 1968 for alleged political activity against the regime of General Franco. Carlos's father Xavier until his death in 1077 was the Carlist claimant to the throne of Spain
38.O21 Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma (Duke of Parma) 1970     Annemarie Gualthérie van Weezel 1977   Carlos is the present Head of the Royal House of Bourbon-Parma.
38.O211 Princess Luisa Irene of Bourbon-Parma 2012            
38.O212 Princess Cecilia Maria Johanna Beatrix 2013            
38.O22 Prince Jaime of Bourbon-Parma (Count of Bardi) 1972     Viktória Cservenyák 1982   Prince Jaime and Princess Marguerita are twins
38.O221 Princess Zita Clara of Bourbon-Parma 2014            
38.O23 Princess Marguerita of Bourbon-Parma (Countess of Colorna) 1972     Edwin Karel Willem de Roy van Zuydewijn 1966   Prince Jaime and Princess Marguerita are twins
38.O23 Princess Marguerita of Bourbon-Parma (Countess of Colorna) 1972     Tjalling ten Cate 1975   Prince Jaime and Princess Marguerita are twins
38.O231   Julia Carolina Catharina ten Cate 2008            
38.O232   Paola Cecilia Laurentien ten Cate 2011            
38.O24 Princess Marie Caroline of Bourbon-Parma (Marchioness of Sala) 1974     Albert Brenninkmeijer 1974    
38.O3 Princess Marie Thérèse of Bourbon-Parma 1933 2020         Marie Thérèse is the first "Royal" to die from coronavirus Covid-19
38.O4 Princess Cécile Marie of Bourbon-Parma 1935 2021          
38.O5 Princess Marie-des-Neiges of Bourbon-Parma 1937            
38.O6 Prince Sixte Henri of Bourbon-Parma 1940            
38.P Princess Francesca of Bourbon-Parma 1890 1978         Princess Francesca in 1915 became a nun at the Benedictine Convent of St. Cecilia at Ryde, Isle of Wight. She was one of three sisters who became a nun at the same convent.
38.Q Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma 1892 1989 Emperor Karl of Austria 1887 1922 See 19.J321 - Princess Zita was educated at the Benedictine Convent of St. Cecilia at Ryde, Isle of Wight, where three of her sisters were nuns.
Karl signed a proclamation 11 November 1918 in which he relinquished participation in the administration of the Austrian State. It should be noted that he signed a proclamation rather his abdication. For further reading please click here
A very uncomplimentary newspaper report regarding the intended marriage and respective families of Karl and Zita.
New York Time obituary on Emperor Karl
New York Time obituary on Empress Zita
38.R Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma 1893 1970 Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxemburg 1896 1985 See 34.22 - Grand Duchess Charlotte abdicated on 12 November 1964 after a 45 year reign and was succeeded by her son Jean.
A very brief report on the wedding of Grand Duchess Charlotte and Prince Felix
38.S Prince René of Bourbon-Parma 1894 1962 Princess Margrethe of Denmark 1895 1992 See 2.65 - An interesting situation occurred in 1953. Prince René had been involved in two motor car accidents apparently whilst under the influence of alcohol and has he had immunity from Danish law it was left to his wife's cousin King Frederik IX of Denmark to use his Royal prerogative to forbid Prince Rene to drive a car for a year.
Announcement of the engagement of Prince René and Princess Margrethe
38.S1 Prince Jacques of Bourbon-Parma 1922 1964 Countess Birgitte von Holstein-Ledreborg 1922 2009 Jacques was killed in a car accident outside Roskilde, Denmark, further details on Prince Jacques. Birgitte is a sister of Count Knud von Holstein-Ledreborg. An interesting family tree for the Counts von Holstein-Ledreborg can be found here.
Even a Prince and his future wife had difficulty in finding a home to live before their marriage.
38.S11 Prince Philipp Georg of Bourbon-Parma 1949     Annette Smith 1955    
38.S111 Prince Jacques Carl of Bourbon-Parma 1986            
38.S112 Prince Joseph Axel of Bourbon-Parma 1989     Anna Louise Bøgeløv Budd ?    
38.S12 Princess Lorraine Charlotte of Bourbon-Parma 1951            
38.S13 Prince Alain Johann of Bourbon-Parma 1955     Inge Birgitte Andersen 1948    
38.S2 Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma 1923 2016 King Michael of Roumania 1921 2017 See 6.1212 - Michael succeeded his grandfather Ferdinand I as King of Roumania in 1927. However, his father reneged on his earlier renunciation to the rights to the Roumanian throne and Michael's position as King was usurped by Carol who became King in 1930. Carol was eventually deposed in 1940 and Michael returned to the throne for the second time. Michael was forced to abdicate in December 1947 by the communists.

King Michael signed the "Fundamental Rules Of The Royal Family Of Romania" document on 30 December 2007, this laid out the Membership of the Royal House of Romania and the Line of Succession to the Throne and to the Headship of the Royal House of Romania. It specifically mentions Margarita being created Crown Princess of Romania, her husband Radu as His Royal Highness Radu, Prince of Romania (ad personam) and Nicholas de Roumanie Medforth-Mills, who shall assume the title, style and rank of Prince of Romania and Royal Highness on 1 April 2010, upon his 25th birthday.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) brief report on the marriage of Princess Anne and King Michael.
On August 1, 2015, King Michael signed a document removing the title Prince of Romania and the qualification of Royal Highness from his grandson, Nicholas. Nicholas has also been removed from the line of succession. It would seem the "Fundamental Rules Of The Royal Family Of Romania" was abrogated at the same time. One can speculate as to the reason for the removal.
38.S3 Prince Michael of Bourbon-Parma 1926 2018 Princess Yolande de Broglie-Revel 1928 2014 Princess Yolande de Broglie-Revel belongs to the junior line of the House of Broglie. Her ancestor was Prince Joseph de Broglie-Revel (1762-1795) ninth child of Victor François 2nd Duc de Broglie (1718-1804). A brief report on the wedding of Prince Michael and Princess Yolande
38.S3 Prince Michael of Bourbon-Parma 1926 2018 Princess Maria Pia of Savoy 1934   See 8.12131 - Obituary on Prince Michael which includes in detail his war time heroism
38.S31 Princess Inès Marie of Bourbon-Parma 1952 1981         Princess Inès Marie died from a drug overdose
Death Registration of Princess Inès Marie
38.S32 Prince Eric of Bourbon-Parma 1953 2021 Countess Lydia von Holstein-Ledreborg 1955   See 34.2242
38.S321 Princess Antoinia Monique of Bourbon-Parma 1981     Martin Krusbæk 1982    
38.S322 Princess Marie Gabrielle of Bourbon-Parma 1982            
38.S323 Princess Alexia Thérèse of Bourbon-Parma 1985     Fabian Davis 1984    
38.S324 Prince Michel Knud of Bourbon-Parma 1989            
38.S325 Prince Henri Luitpold of Bourbon-Parma 1991   Archduchess Gabriella of Austria 1994   See 19.J321535
38.S33 Princess Sybil Marie of Bourbon-Parma 1954     Craig Richards 1962   Birth Registration of Craig Richards
38.S34 Princess Victoire Maria of Bourbon-Parma 1957 2001 Baron Ernst von Gecmen Waldek 1943    
38.S34 Princess Victoire Maria of Bourbon-Parma 1957 2001   Carlos Ernesto Rodriguez 1956    
38.S35 Prince Charles Emmanuel of Bourbon-Parma 1961     Constance de Ravinel 1970    
38.S351 Prince Amaury of Bourbon-Parma 1991            
38.S352 Princess Charlotte of Bourbon-Parma 1993            
38.S353 Princess Elisabeth of Bourbon-Parma 1996            
38.S354 Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma 1999            
38.S4 Prince André Marie of Bourbon-Parma 1928 2011   Marina Gacry 1935    
38.T Princess Maria Antonia of Bourbon-Parma 1895 1937         Princess Maria Antonia became a nun at the Benedictine Convent of St. Cecilia at Ryde, Isle of Wight. She was one of three sisters who became a nun at the same convent.
38.U Princess Isabella of Bourbon-Parma 1898 1984          
38.V Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma 1899 1967 Princess Maria of Savoy 1914 2001 See 8.1215 - A report on the marriage of Louis and Maria.
The article also mentions Maria was formerly "provisionally" engaged to the Archduke Otto, the Austro-Hungarian Pretender, on condition that he regained his throne.
Not forgetting that Louis was an uncle of the Archduke Otto
38.V1 Prince Guido "Guy" of Bourbon-Parma 1940 1991   Brigitte Peu-Duvallon 1943 1993  
38.V11 Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma 1966     Ariane Nicolet 1966    
38.V2 Prince Remigio "Rémy" of Bourbon-Parma 1942     Laurence Dufresne d'Arganchy 1951    
38.V2 Prince Remigio "Rémy" of Bourbon-Parma 1942     Elisabeth Tardif 1954    
38.V21 Prince Tristan of Bourbon-Parma 1974     Shira Szabo 1979    
38.V22 Princess Aude of Bourbon-Parma 1977            
38.V3 Princess Chantel of Bourbon-Parma 1946     Panayotis Skinas 1937 2015  
38.V3 Princess Chantel of Bourbon-Parma 1946     Francois Henri des Georges 1941    
38.V31   Helene Skinas 1978           Birth registration of Helene Skinas
38.V32   Alexandre Skinas 1980           Birth registration of Alexandre Skinas
38.V4 Prince Jean of Bourbon-Parma 1961     Virginia Roatta 1964    
38.V4 Prince Jean of Bourbon-Parma 1961     Romana Smetá?ková ?    
38.V41 Prince Arnaud of Bourbon-Parma 1989            
38.V42 Prince Christophe of Bourbon-Parma 1991            
38.W Princess Enrichetta (Henriette) Anna of Bourbon-Parma 1903 1987          
38.X Prince Gaetano "Gaetan" of Bourbon-Parma 1905 1958 Princess Margarete of Thurn and Taxis 1909 2006 Margarete was a sister of Prince Raimundo della Torre e Tasso (2 nd Duca di Castel Duino)
38.X1 Princess Diane Marguerite of Bourbon-Parma 1932 2020 Prince Franz Joseph of Hohenzollern 1926 1996 See 6.1125 -
Marriage Registration of Franz Joseph and Diane Marguerite
38.X1 Princess Diane Marguerite of Bourbon-Parma 1932 2020   Hans Joachim Oehmichen 1920 1995  

Note - QVD against a reference number indicates the first named individual is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Last Updated on 26 February 2025
By Allan Raymond
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