Monarchies of Europe

Austrian Royal FamilyAustrian Coat of Arms

Coats of Arms by permission of Arnaud Bunel

Press here for more information and a description of the numbering system adopted on the genealogical table below.

19 Emperor Franz I of Austria 1768 1835 Duchess Elizabeth of Württemberg 1767 1790 See 22.8 - Franz assumed the title of Emperor of Austria (as Franz I) on 11 August 1804 and on 6 August 1806 became the last Holy Roman Emperor (as Franz II) on its dissolution
19 Emperor Franz I of Austria 1768 1835 Princess Maria Teresa of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1772 1807 See 37.1 - Franz assumed the title of Emperor of Austria (as Franz I) on 11 August 1804 and on 6 August 1806 became the last Holy Roman Emperor (as Franz II) on its dissolution
19 Emperor Franz I of Austria 1768 1835 Archduchess Maria Ludowika of Austria-Este (Modena) 1787 1816 See 47.J - Franz assumed the title of Emperor of Austria (as Franz I) on 11 August 1804 and on 6 August 1806 became the last Holy Roman Emperor (as Franz II) on its dissolution
19 Emperor Franz I of Austria 1768 1835 Princess Charlotte "Karoline" Auguste of Bavaria 1792 1873 See 18.4 - Franz assumed the title of Emperor of Austria (as Franz I) on 11 August 1804 and on 6 August 1806 became the last Holy Roman Emperor (as Franz II) on its dissolution. A brief report on the death of Franz
19.1 Archduchess Ludovika Elisabeth of Austria 1790 1791          
19.2 Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria 1791 1847 Emperor Napoléon I of the French 1769 1821 Marie Louise was Duchess of Parma, Piacenza and Guastallagiven from 1815 until her death having been given these as financial support as her husband Napoléon I was exiled in St Helena. Following Marie Louise's death the Duchy passed to Carlos II (Duke of Lucca)Carlos II (Duke of Lucca) whose grandfather Ferdinand had been Duke of Parma before it was overrun by France in 1796.
An interesting article on the "Royal Romance" of Marie Louise with her first husband Emperor Napoléon I, her second husband Adam Adalbert von Neipperg and her third husband Count Charles de Bombelles
19.2 Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria 1791 1847 Count Adam Adalbert von Neipperg 1775 1829 Adam Adalbert was firstly married to Countess Theresia von Pola and their first born son Count Alfred von Neipperg (1807-1865) was married to Princess Marie of Württemberg. Their fourth born son Count Erwin Franz von Neipperg (1813-1897) was a great grandfather to Count Joseph Hubert von Neipperg.
Adam Adalbert was promoted to the rank of General in the Austrian Army and was in the forefront of defeating the French. He lost an eye from a sabre wielded by a Frenchman at the Battle of Neerinden in 1793.
The children of Marie Louise and Adam Adalbert were born before their marriage and were given the name "Montenuovo".
An interesting article on the "Royal Romance" of Marie Louise with her first husband Emperor Napoléon I , her second husband Adam Adalbert von Neipperg and her third husband Count Charles de Bombelles.
19.2 Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria 1791 1847 Count Charles de Bombelles 1785 1856 An interesting article on the "Royal Romance" of Marie Louise with her first husband Emperor Napoléon I , her second husband Adam Adalbert von Neipperg and her third husband Count Charles de Bombelles.
19.21 Emperor Napoléon II of the French 1811 1832         Napoléon was created Duke von Reichstadt on 22 July 1818 by his grandfather Emperor Franz I of Austria
A long article on the Duke von Reichstadt
19.22 Countess Albertina von Neipperg 1817 1867 Conte Luigi di Santivale 1799 1876  
19.23 Count Wilhelm Albrecht von Neipperg (1st Fürst von Montenuovo) 1819 1895 Countess Juliana Batthyány de Nemet-Ujvár 1827 1871 Wilhelm Albrecht was created Count Montenuovo by his grandfather Emperor Franz 1 of Austria and Fürst (i.e. Prince) von Montenuovo by his cousin Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria on 20 August 1864.
An interesting article on Wilhelm Albrecht, it mentions Wilhelm Albrecht was born two days after the marriage of his father Count Adam Adalbert von Neipperg to Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria. Unfortunately, various sources show dates which don't accord with the statement in the article.
The article above mentions Wilhelm Albrecht became mentally unbalanced after the death of his wife and became a patient in what was stated to be the most famous insane asylum or sanatorium in the world at Doebling.
As an aside this is the same asylum that Princess Louise of Belgium (wife of Prince Philip of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) was first incarcerated as a result of her love affair with Géza Mattachich.
19.231 Princess Albertine von Montenuovo 1853 1895 Count Zygmunt Wielopolski 1833 1902  
19.232 Prince Alfred Adam von Montenuovo (2nd Fürst von Montenuovo) 1854 1927 Countess Franziska Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau 1861 1935 Prince Alfred von Montenuovo was appointed first Obersthofmeister (equates to Lord High Steward or High Court Chamberlain) of the Imperial Court in 1909 and as such was head of the imperial court and household. In this role he was responsible for the funeral arrangements of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este and his wife Duchess Sophia von Hohenberg following their assassination in 1914. Because of the morganatic nature of their marriage royal personages from other countries were not invited to the funeral which at the time caused heavy criticism of Prince Alfred von Montenuovo.
19.2321 Princess Juliane von Montenuovo 1880 1961 Count Dionys Draskovich von Trakostjan 1875 1909  
19.2321 Princess Juliane von Montenuovo 1880 1961 Prince Karl zu Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettingen-Wallerstein 1877 1930  
19.23211 Countess Maria Draskovich von Trakostjan 1904 1969 Duke Albrecht of Bavaria 1905 1996 See 18.15113
19.2322 Princess Marie von Montenuovo 1881 1954 Count Franz von Ledebur-Wicheln 1877 1954  
19.2323 Prince Ferdinand Bonaventura von Montenuovo (3rd Fürst von Montenuovo) 1888 1951 Baroness Ilona Bss Solymossy de Loós et Egervár 1895 1988 A newspaper article in 1949 said that Prince Ferdinand Bonaventura von Montenuovo was responsible for the funeral arrangements of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este and his wife Duchess Sophia von Hohenberg following their assassination in 1914. The article goes on to say that because of the morganatic nature of the marriage of Franz Ferdinand there would be no state funeral and royal personages from other countries were not invited to the funeral. I'm reasonably confident the article is incorrect in referring to Prince Ferdinand Bonaventura as being responsible for the funeral arrangement it is more likely the arrangements was undertaken by his father Prince Alfred von Montenuovo
19.2324 Princess Franziska von Montenuovo 1893 1972 Prince Leopold von Lobkowicz 1888 1933  
19.233 Princess Marie von Montenuovo 1859 1911 Count Anton Apponyi de Nagy-Appony 1852 1920 Count Anton (or Antal in some sources) was a brother to Count Ludwig Apponyi de Nagy-Appony (1849-1909) grandfather of Countess Géraldine Apponyi de Nagy-Appony ( 1915–2002) wife of King Zog I of Albania.
19.24 Countess Mathilde von Montenuovo 1822 1822          
19.3 Emperor Ferdinand Karl of Austria 1793 1875 Princess Maria Anna of Savoy 1803 1884 See 47.26 - 1848 was a year of revolution and Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg (1800-1852) engineered the abdication of Ferdinand Karl on 2 December 1848. Felix of Schwarzenberg also induced Ferdinand Karl's brother Archduke Franz Karl the heir to the Austrian throne to forego his rights in favour of his son Franz Joseph.
The formal abdication of Ferdinand Karl and renunciation by Franz Karl to the throne of Austria and succession by Franz Joseph.
Some uncomplimentary articles on Ferdinand Karl following his death.
19.4 Archduchess Marie Caroline of Austria 1794 1795          
19.5 Archduchess Caroline Ludovika of Austria 1795 1799          
19.6 Archduchess Marie Leopoldine of Austria 1797 1826 King Pedro IV de Alcántara of Portugal (Emperor of Brazil) 1798 1834 See 12.4 - Brazil was demanding independence from Portugal and Pedro was proclaimed Emperor of Brazil (as Pedro I) on 12 October 1822. He also succeeded to the throne of Portugal on the death of his father and as he didn't want to leave Brazil he abdicated the Portuguese throne in favour of his daughter Maria on 29 April 1826. Pedro also abdicated the Brazilian Throne on 7 April 1831 in favour of his son Pedro II in order to return to Portugal to fight for the restoration of his daughter Maria to the throne of Portugal.
Marie Leopoldine died of a miscarriage having had seven previous births on an annual basis from 1819 to 1825. One newspapaer reported she died in consequence of premature accouchement.
Pedro IV died of tuberculosis
19.7 Archduchess Marie Clementine of Austria 1798 1881 Prince Leopoldo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1790 1851 See 37.O
19.8 Archduke Joseph Franz of Austria 1799 1807          
19.9 Archduchess Marie Caroline of Austria 1801 1832 King Friedrich August II of Saxony 1797 1854 See 26.63 - Friedrich August died from a carriage accident. His carriage overturned at Brenbuchel, situated between Munich and Dresden resulting in him being thrown out onto the road and one of the horses kicked him in the head.
19.J Archduke Franz Karl of Austria 1802 1878 Princess Sophie of Bavaria 1805 1872 See 18.9 - 1848 was a year of revolution and Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg (1800-1852) engineered the abdication of Franz Karl's brother Emperor Ferdinand Karl of Austria on 2 December 1848. Felix of Schwarzenberg also induced Franz Karl who was the heir to the Austrian throne to forego his rights in favour of his son Franz Joseph.
19.J1 Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria 1830 1916 Duchess Elizabeth "Sisi" in Bavaria 1837 1898 See 18.K4 - Franz Joseph succeeded his uncle Ferdinand (who had been forced to abdicate) as Emperor of Austria in 1848.
Elizabeth was assassinated in Geneva by an Italian anarchist, Luigi Luccheni, who stabbed her with a shoemaker's file (some sources mentions it was a knife). Luigi was given a life sentence for the murder and committed suicide in his prison cell in 1910.
Newspaper articles in 1903 were reporting on the extreme conditions in which Luigi Luccheni was being held and speculated (rightly as it turned out) that he would become a raving maniac.
A report on the wedding of Franz Joseph and Elizabeth
19.J11 Archduchess Sophie of Austria 1855 1857          
19.J12 Archduchess Gisela of Austria 1856 1932 Prince Leopold of Bavaria 1846 1930 See 18.152
19.J13 Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria 1858 1889 Princess Stephanie of Belgium 1864 1945 See 14.23 - Crown Prince Rudolph committed suicide after killing his eighteen year old mistress Baroness Maria Vetsera in Mayerling.
There were newspaper reports in 1953/1954 of court actions taken by an individual Robert Pachmann.
Pachmann took his case to the Vienna Court in 1953 claiming that he was the son of Crown Prince Rudolph and Maria Antonietta of Austria (Tuscany Line) who he reckoned were secretly married on New Years day 1880 before Rudolph's "official" wedding in May 1881 to Princess Stephanie of Belgium.
Pachmann also claimed that Rudolf continued to visit Maria Antonietta on the French Riviera after his marriage to Stephanie and it was there in 1883 that she gave birth to Robert and she died a few months.
Pachmann told the court that as a baby he was secretly brought to Vienna and cared for by Heinrich and Mare Pachmann, who substituted him for their own son who had died.
Although Pachmann said he had "complete documentary proof" that he was the only legitimate son of Rudolf , in late 1954 the appeals court upheld a previous verdict that the case be rejected for lack of proof.
A report on the marriage of Rudolph and Stephanie .
19.J131 Archduchess Elisabeth "Erzsi" of Austria 1883 1963 Prince Otto of Windisch-Graetz 1873 1952 Otto was a younger brother to Prince Karl of Windisch-Graetz.
Otto's grandfather Weriand (1790-1867) was created Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz (Line II) on 18 May 1822. Weriand's elder brother Alfred (1787-1862) having been created Fürst zu Windisch-Graetz (Line I) on 24 May 1804.
Elisabeth had to renounce her succession rights to the Austria throne in order to be given permission to marry Otto.
A report on the wedding of Elisabeth and Otto.
It was alleged in 1903 that Elisabeth had found her husband Otto alone with a Czech actress and shot and killed the actress's butler and then did the same to the actress. However in 1933 it was reported the actress Marie Zieglerova was still alive after having been shot through the lung by Elisabeth some thirty years earlier.
Otto filed for divorce in 1919 on account of her succession of affairs apparently with navel officers.
19.J131 Archduchess Elisabeth "Erzsi" of Austria 1883 1963   Leopold Petznek 1881 1956 Archduchess Elisabeth was known as the Red Archduchess on marrying Leopold Petznek who was a leftist politician.
It was reported in 1927 that Elisabeth and Leopold Petznek had married three years earlier although all sources I have come across shows they married in 1948.
A short newspaper article in 1929 on Elisabeth and two of her children Prince Ernst of Windisch-Graetz and Prince Rudolph of Windisch-Graetz. The article however refers to Elisabeth as a niece of Emperor Franz Joseph whereas she is in fact his granddaughter.
19.J1311 Prince Franz Joseph of Windisch-Graetz 1904 1981 Countess Ghislaine d'Arschot Schoonhoven 1912 1997  
19.J13111 Princess Stephanie of Windisch-Graetz 1939 2019   Dermot Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell 1935 2009 Stephanie was an artist and the Web Site illustrating her work can be found here. (Note- the site seems to be no longer in being but you will be able to see it via Wayback Machine - Internet Archive)
Marriage registration of Stephanie and Dermot.
The announcement of the death of Brigadier Dermot Blundell-Hollinshead-Blundell in the Telegraph
19.J13112 Prince Guillaume of Windisch-Graetz 1950            
19.J1312 Prince Ernst of Windisch-Graetz 1905 1952   Helena Skinner 1906 1982 It was reported in 1933 that Ernst had been forced by poverty to become a house painter.
19.J1312 Prince Ernst of Windisch-Graetz 1905 1952 Baroness Eva von Isbary 1921    
19.J1313 Prince Rudolph of Windisch-Graetz 1907 1939         It was reported in 1927 that Rudolph apparently was reduced to driving an ordinary butcher's van.
Two years later in 1929 it was reported that Rudolph was working as a mechanic in an automobile factory. Rudolph died in a motorcar accident
19.J1314 Princess Stephanie of Windisch-Graetz 1909 2005 Count Pierre d'Alcantara de Querrieu 1907 1944 Count Pierre was a member of the Belgium resistance to German occupation but in August 1942 he was arrested by the Germans and eventually transported to Sachsenhausen concentration camp at Oranienburg where he died on 14 October 1944.
19.J1314 Princess Stephanie of Windisch-Graetz 1909 2005   Carl Axel Bjorklund 1906 1986  
19.J14 Archduchess Maria Valeria of Austria 1868 1924 Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria (Tuscany Line) 1866 1939 See 20.383
19.J2 Archduke Maximillian of Austria 1832 1867 Princess Charlotte of Belgium 1840 1927 See 14.4 - Maximillian was created Emperor of Mexico in 1864 with the support of the French and falsely believing he had the general support of the people of Mexico. Napoleon's French troops were forced under pressure from the United Sates of America to withdraw from Mexico. Maximilian refused to abdicate and was captured and executed by the Mexicans. Charlotte went "Mad" during 1866 trying to get assistance in Europe for her husband. She spent the remaining 60 years after the death of her husband locked up a chateau outside Brussels.
For a treatise on Mexican Monarchy please click here.
Mexico was ruled by Spain from early 1500 until Mexico obtained its independence in 1821. Agustín de Iturbide was one of the Mexican military leaders and became the first Emperor of Mexico from 19 May 1822 until 19 March 1823 but suffered the same fate as Maximillian when he was executed on 19 July 1824.
On 13 September 1865 Maximillian adopted two grandsons of Agustín de Iturbide.
A descendant of one of the grandsons Don Maximilano de Gotzen-Iturbide (born 2 March 1944) is head of the Imperial house of Mexico and heir to the throne via both the Iturbide and Habsburg Emperors.
19.J3 Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria 1833 1896 Princess Margarethe of Saxony 1840 1858 See 26.668
19.J3 Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria 1833 1896 Princess Maria Annuziata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1843 1871 See 37.555
19.J3 Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria 1833 1896 Infanta Maria Teresa de Imaculada of Portugal 1855 1944 See 12.73 - Karl Ludwig was heir presumptive to the throne of Austria following the suicide of his nephew Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria. However shortly after the death of the Crown Prince, Karl Ludwig renounced his succession rights in favour of his son Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Karl Ludwig died of typhoid which he contracted while on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land having drank from the polluted River Jordan.
An article on Karl Ludwig shortly after his death
19.J31 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este 1863 1914 Countess Sophia Chotek von Chotkowa und Wognin 1868 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand became the Heir Presumptive of the Austrian Empire on the death of his cousin Crown Prince Rudolph.
Emperor Franz Joseph agreed to permit Franz Ferdinand to marry Sophie, on condition that the marriage would be morganatic and that their descendants would not have succession rights to the throne. Franz Ferdinand formally renounced the rights of succession of his descendants on 28 June 1900 and he and Sophie were married on 1 July 1900.
As a consequence of her morganatic marriage Sophie suffered the indignity by court etiquette of not being able to be at the side of her husband at formal court occasionsf.
Franz Ferdinand and Countess Sophia were assassinated at Sarajera by a Serbian student Gavrilo Princip who was a member of the Bosnian nationalist movement.
Gavrilo Princip along with his accomplices were tried in October 1914 and five were sentenced to death. Gavrilo escaped the death penalty as he was just under 20 years of age when he committed the crime and instead was sentenced to the maximum of 20 years in jail. He died of tuberculosis on 28 April 1918.
The death of Franz Ferdinand lead to the start of the first World War.
Sophia was created Princess von Hohenberg on 1 July 1900 and Duchess von Hohenberg on 9 October 1909.
When Franz Ferdinand was only twelve years old his distant cousin Duke Francis V of Modena died, naming Franz Ferdinand his heir on condition that he add the name Este to his own. Franz Ferdinand thus became one of the wealthiest men in Austria.
19.J311 Princess Sophia von Hohenberg (Austria) 1901 1990 Count Friedrich von Nostitz-Rieneck 1893 1973 Friedrich was a brother of Countess Franziska von Nostitz-Rieneck
19.J3111 Count Alois von Nostitz-Rieneck 1925 2003 Countess Theresia Walburga of Waldburg zu Zeil and Trauchburg 1931 2021 See 28.122543
19.J312 Duke Maximilian von Hohenberg (Austria) 1902 1962 Countess Elizabeth von Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Waldsee 1904 1993 Maximilian along with his younger brother Ernest were arrested and imprisoned in Vienna in March 1938. This was part of the purge by the Nazi's against the Austrian Monarchist movement.
Maximilian's support in 1933 for his cousin Archduke Otto in the restoration of the monarchy in Austria.
Maximilian and Ernest were released from the Dachau concentration camp in October 1938.
19.J3121 Duke Franz von Hohenberg (Austria) 1927 1977 Princess Elisabeth of Luxemburg 1922 2011 See 34.222 
19.J3122 Duke George von Hohenberg (Austria) 1929 2019 Princess Eleonore von Auersperg-Breunner 1928 2021 Eleonore is a sister of Prince Heinrich of Auersperg-Breunner
19.J31221 Duke Nikolaus von Hohenberg (Austria) 1961   Countess Marie Elisabeth von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg 1963  
19.J31222 Princess Henriette von Hohenberg (Austria) 1962            
19.J31223 Prince Maximilian von Hohenberg (Austria) 1970     Emilia Oliva Cattaneo Vieti 1971    
19.J3123 Prince Albrecht von Hohenberg (Austria) 1931 2021 Countess Leontine von Cassis-Faraone 1933    
19.J31231 Princess Margarete von Hohenberg (Austria) 1963   Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria (Hungarian Line) 1960   See 21.74143
19.J31232 Prince Leo Johannes von Hohenberg (Austria) 1964     Rosalind Roque Alcoforado 1964    
19.J31233 Princess Johanna Sophie von Hohenberg (Austria) 1966   Count Andreas Henckel von Donnersmarck 1959   See 34.2231
19.J31234 Princess Katharina Aglae von Hohenberg (Austria) 1969     Carlos Manuel Méndez de Vigo y Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg 1969   Carlos is the son of Princess Monika Maria of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg (1939 - ) and Don Jaime Mendez de Vigo y del Arco (1933 - ). Princess Monika Maria is a sister of Prince Alois-Konstantin (9th Prince of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg). Carlos's sister Maria del Pilar is married to Duke Paul-Wladimir of Oldenburg
19.J3124 Prince Johannes Andreas von Hohenberg (Austria) 1933 2003   Elisabeth Meilinger-Rehrl 1947    
19.J3125 Prince Peter Friedrich von Hohenberg (Austria) 1936 2017   Christine-Maria Meilinger-Rehrl 1945   Obituary of Prince Peter
19.J3126 Prince Gerhard Josef von Hohenberg (Austria) 1941 2019          
19.J313   Daughter 1903 1903          
19.J314 Prince Ernest von Hohenberg (Austria) 1904 1954   Marie-Therese Wood 1910 1985 Ernest along with his elder brother Maximilian were arrested and imprisoned in Vienna in March 1938. This was part of the purge by the Nazi's against the Austrian Monarchist movement.
Ernest and Maximilian were released from the Dachau concentration camp in October 1938.
Marie-Therese Wood was the daughter of Captain George Wood, former British military attache in Vienna. George Wood was a friend of the Duke of Windsor and became one of his aide-decamp.
It was falsely reported in late 1939 that Ernest had died in a concentration camp at Dachau.
A brief report on the wedding of Ernest and Marie-Therese
A fuller report which relates just prior to the marriage of Ernest and Marie-Therese
19.J32 Archduke Otto of Austria 1865 1906 Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony 1867 1944 See 26.6655 - New York Times report on the death of Archduke Otto 
19.J321 Emperor Karl of Austria 1887 1922 Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma 1892 1989 See 38.Q - Karl signed a proclamation 11 November 1918 in which he relinquished participation in the administration of the Austrian State. It should be noted that he signed a proclamation rather his abdication. For further reading please click here
A very uncomplimentary newspaper report regarding the intended marriage and respective families of Karl and Zita.
New York Time obituary on Emperor Karl
New York Time obituary on Empress Zita
19.J3211 Archduke Otto of Austria 1912 2011 Princess Regina of Saxe-Meiningen 1925 2010 See 29.31634 Archduke Otto issued a tactical statement in May 1961 in which he renounced his personal title as a member of the House of Habsburg and any sovereignty claims. This renouncement was a prelude to allow Otto to visit Austria which hitherto he had been prevented from do so. Finally in 1966, the Austrian Government lifted the ban on Otto entering the country.
Report on the wedding of Otto and Regina.
19.J32111 Archduchess Andrea of Austria 1953   Count Karl-Eugen von Neipperg 1951   Count Karl-Eugen is the present Head of the Countly House of Neipperg.
Karl-Eugen is the son of Count Joseph Hurbert von Neipperg from his first marriage to Countess Franziska von Ledebur-Wicheln. He is also a great great greatgrandson of Count Adam Adalbert von Neipperg (from his first wife Countess Theresia von Pola)
19.J321111 Hereditary Count Philipp von Neipperg 1978     Paula Wolff 1981    
19.J321112 Count Benedikt von Neipperg 1980            
19.J321113 Count Dominik von Neipperg 1981   Princess Marie-Anna Franziska of Salm-Salm 1986   See 42.62114
19.J321114 Countess Hemma von Neipperg 1983     Roman Keno Specht 1980    
19.J321115 Countess Katharina von Neipperg 1986   Prince Wenzel von Lobkowicz 1986    
19.J32112 Archduchess Monika of Austria 1954     Luis Gonzaga de Casanova-Cardenas y Baron, (Duke de Santangelo) 1950   Archduchess Monika and Archduchess Michaela are twins
19.J32113 Archduchess Michaela of Austria 1954     Eric Alba d'Antin 1920 2004 Archduchess Monika and Archduchess Michaela are twins 
19.J32113 Archduchess Michaela of Austria 1954   Count Hubertus von Kageneck 1940   See 18.19221 - Archduchess Monika and Archduchess Michaela are twins
19.J32114 Archduchess Gabriela of Austria 1956     Christian Meister 1954    
19.J32115 Archduchess Walburga of Austria 1958   Count Archibald Douglas 1949    
19.J32116 Archduke Karl of Austria 1961   Baroness Francesca von Thyssen-Bornemisza 1958   Archduke Karl is the present Head of the Imperial House of Austria and in Austria is known as Karl Habsburg-Lothringen because of Austria's law on not being able to use of nobility titles.
Francesca's grandfather was Heinrich Thyssen (1875 - 1947) who married an Hungarian baroness Margareta Bornemisza (1887 - 1971). Heinrich was adopted by his father-in-law who had no male heirs and in 1907 Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria , bestowed on Heinrich and his descendants the right to adopt the name and coat of arms of Bornemisza de Kászon and bear the title of baron ( source).
19.J321161 Archduchess Eleonore Jelena of Austria 1994     Jerome D'Ambrosio 1985    
19.J321162 Archduke Ferdinand Zvonimir of Austria 1997            
19.J321163 Archduchess Gloria Maria of Austria 1999            
19.J32117 Archduke Georg of Austria 1964   Duchess Eilika of Oldenburg 1972   See 31.131391  
19.J3212 Archduchess Adelaid of Austria 1914 1971          
19.J3213 Archduke Robert of Austria-Este 1915 1996 Princess Margherita of Savoy 1930 2022 See 8.13111 - Archduke Robert was accorded the title Archduke of Austria-Este on 16 April 1917 by his father Emperor Karl I of Austria.
Report on the wedding of Robert and Margherita.
19.J32131 Archduchess Marie Beatrice of Austria 1954   Count Riprand von Arco-Zinneberg 1955 2021 See 18.151M23
19.J32132 Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este 1955   Princess Astrid of Belgium 1962   See 14.35132 - Lorenz was created Prince of Belgium by Royal Decree (number 1995021415) published on 14 November 1995 but with effect from 10 November 1995. The children of Princess Astrid and Archduke Lorenz are also Prince or Princess of Belgium from 1991 following a change to the Belgium Constitutional Laws which repealed the laws of succession by male primogeniture.
19.J321321 Archduke Amedeo Maria Josef of Austria (and Prince of Belgium) 1986     Elisabetta Maria Rosboch von Wolkenstein 1987   The "Mail Online" report of the wedding of Amedeo and Elisabetta
19.J321322 Archduchess Maria Laura Zita of Austria (and Prince of Belgium) 1988            
19.J321323 Archduke Joachim Karl-Maria Nikolaus of Austria (and Prince of Belgium) 1991            
19.J321324 Archduchess Luisa Maria Anna of Austria (and Prince of Belgium) 1995            
19.J321325 Archduchess Laetitia Maria Nora of Austria (and Prince of Belgium) 2003            
19.J32133 Archduke Gerhard of Austria 1957            
19.J32134 Archduke Martin of Austria 1959   Princess Katharina von Isenburg 1971   See 20.3K4432
19.J32135 Archduchess Isabella of Austria 1963   Count Andrea Lucheschi 1960    
19.J3214 Archduke Felix of Austria 1916 2011 Princess Anne Eugenia of Arenberg 1925 1997  
19.J32141 Archduchess Maria del Pilar of Austria 1953     Vollrad-Joachim Ritter und Edler von Poschinger 1952    
19.J32142 Archduke Karl Philipp of Austria 1954     Martina Donath 1955    
19.J32142 Archduke Karl Philipp of Austria 1954     Annie-Claire Christine Lacrambe 1959    
19.J32143 Archduchess Kinga of Austria 1955   Baron Wolfgang Hubert Hermann von Erffa 1948    
19.J32144 Archduke Raimund Joseph of Austria 1958 2008   Bettine Götz 1969    
19.J32145 Archduchess Marie Adelheid "Miriam" of Austria 1959     Jaime Acheson 1955    
19.J32146 Archduke István Franz-Leopold of Austria 1961     Paola de Temesváry 1971    
19.J32147 Archduchess Viridis Aloisia of Austria 1961     Karl Harold Dunning-Gribble 1961    
19.J3215 Archduke Carl Ludwig of Austria 1918 2007 Princess Yolande of Ligne 1923 2023 A report on the lavish wedding of Carl Ludwig and Yolande
19.J32151 Archduke Rudolf of Austria 1950   Baroness Helene de Villenfagne de Vogelsanck 1954    
19.J32152 Archduchess Alexandra of Austria 1952     Hector Riesle y Contreras 1943    
19.J32153 Archduke Karl Christian of Austria 1954   Princess Marie Astrid of Luxemburg 1954   See 34.2211
19.J321531 Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria 1983   Count Rodolphe de Limburg Stirum 1979   See 13.12543 - Rodolphe's father was a brother to Count Evrard of Limburg-Stirum
19.J321532 Archduke Imre of Austria 1985     Kathleen Walker 1986    
19.J321533 Archduke Christoph of Austria 1988     Adélaďde Drapé-Frisch 1989    
19.J321534 Archduke Alexander of Austria 1990     Natacha Roumiantzoff-Pachkevitch ?    
19.J321535 Archduchess Gabriella of Austria 1994   Prince Henri Luitpold of Bourbon-Parma 1991   See 38.S325 
19.J32154 Archduchess Maria Constance of Austria 1957   Prince Franz Josef of Auersperg-Trautson 1954   Franz Josef is the present Head of the Princely House of Auersperg-Trautson. Auersperg-Trautson dervives from the second line of the House of Auersperg which from 24 October 1963 was recognised as "Auersperg-Trautson"
19.J3216 Archduke Rudolph of Austria 1919 2010 Countess Xenia Tschernyschev-Besobrasow 1929 1968 Countess Xenia was killed in a motor car accident between Soignies and Mons, Belgium
19.J3216 Archduke Rudolph of Austria 1919 2010 Princess Anna of Wrede 1940   Princess Anna is a sister of Princess Alexandra of Wrede's father
19.J32161 Archduchess Maria-Anne of Austria 1954   Prince Peter Galitzine 1955    
19.J32162 Archduke Carl Peter of Austria 1955   Princess Alexandra of Wrede 1970   Princess Alexandra's father Prince Carl Friedrich of Wrede is a brother of Princess Anna of Wrede 
19.J32163 Archduke Simeon of Austria 1958   Princess Maria of Bourbon-Two Sicilies 1967   See 37.5542122
19.J32164 Archduke Johannes Carl of Austria 1962 1975         Archduke Johannes Carl died of a fractured skull resulting from an accident during a bicycle ride
19.J32165 Archduchess Catherine of Austria 1972   Conte Massimiliano Secco d'Aragona 1967    
19.J3217 Archduchess Charlotte of Austria 1921 1989 Duke Georg of Mecklenburg-Strelitz 1899 1963 See 24.8434 - Duke Georg was previously Count Georg of Carlow who was adopted by his uncle Duke Karl Michael of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and later assumed the title Duke of Mecklenburg which was recognised by the Grand Ducal House of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1929. 
19.J3218 Archduchess Elizabeth of Austria 1922 1993 Prince Heinrich of Liechtenstein 1916 1991 See 41.63
19.J322 Archduke Maximilian of Austria 1895 1952 Princess Franziska of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst 1897 1989 Franziska's father Prince Konrad Maria Eusebius of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst (1863-1918) was a brother to Prince Gottfried of Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfürst (1867-1932)
19.J3221 Archduke Ferdinand of Austria 1918 2004 Countess Helen of Toerring-Jettenbach 1937   See 18.K5212
19.J32211 Archduchess Elisabeth of Austria 1957 1983   James Litchfield 1956    
19.J32212 Archduchess Sophie of Austria 1959   Prince Mariano-Hugo of Windisch-Graetz 1955   See 23.1123233 - Mariano-Hugo is the present Head of the Princely House of Windisch-Graetz (of Line II)
19.J32213 Archduke Maximilian of Austria 1961     Maya Askari 1977   Birth registration of Maya Askari
19.J3222 Archduke Heinrich of Austria 1925 2014 Countess Ludmila von Galen 1939    
19.J33 Archduke Ferdindad Karl of Austria 1868 1915   Bertha Czuber 1879 1979 Ferdindad renounced his titles on 6 August 1911 and took the surname Burg.
Although Ferdindad and Bertha didn't marry until August 1909 the Newspapers of 1906 were reporting the intended marriage and the effect it would have on Ferdindad losing his titles.
An interesting biography of Ferdindad and his love for Bertha.
19.J34 Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria 1870 1902 Duke Albrecht of Württemberg 1865 1939 See 22.K311
19.J35 Archduchess Marie Annunciata of Austria 1876 1961          
19.J36 Archduchess Elizabeth of Austria 1878 1960 Prince Aloys of Liechtenstein 1869 1955 See 41.3 - Prince Aloys renounced his rights to the Princely House of Liechtenstein on 26 February 1923 in favour of his son Franz Joseph.
Archduchess Elizabeth's jewellery went missing
19.J4 Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria 1835 1840          
19.J5 Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria 1842 1919          
19.K Archduchess Marie Anne of Austria 1804 1858          
19.L Archduke Johann Nepomuk of Austria 1805 1809          
19.M Archduchess Amalie Theresia of Austria 1807 1807          

Note - QVD against a reference number indicates the first named individual is a descendant of Queen Victoria.

Last Updated on 24 February 2025
By Allan Raymond
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